Ending her anonymity, Libs of TikTok creator slams trans grooming of kids


    from WND:

    ‘They’re just evil. They’re bad people. They’re recruiting’

    Chaya Raichik, the conservative woman behind the hugely popular “Libs of TikTok” Twitter account that exposes “groomers” of innocent children using activist-teachers’ own video recordings, has entered a new stage in her fight for American culture by revealing her face and identity to the world.

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    Eight months after being “doxxed” by a Washington Post hit-piece that revealed her name and exposed her private address, Raichik sat down for an hour-long interview with Tucker Carson on his eponymous show on the Fox Nation streaming site. In the exchange, which aired Tuesday, Raichik explained the powerful, dark forces that are leading many children (and their parents) down the road of transgenderism, which she said was part of a larger LGBT “cult.”

    Asked by Carlson why so many adults, from parents to doctors, are supporting the “gender transition” agenda directed at youth, she said:

    “I think there’s something unique about the LGBTQ community. [It] has become this cult, and it’s so captivating. And it holds people in so strongly, unlike anything we’ve ever seen. And they brainwash people to join — they convince them of all these things. And it’s really, really hard to get out of it … It’s extremely poisonous.”

    Carlson pressed her on why parents would cooperate with their own child’s embrace of radical “trans” ideology to the point of letting them destroy their own bodies by pursuing so-called “gender transitions” to live as if they were the opposite sex.

    In response, Raichik first acknowledged that there are many parents who actually encourage their kids to “gender transition” — i.e., “who are grooming their kids to do this.” Other parents, however, are manipulated by harrowing threats of suicide: “But there are a lot of parents who are told: either you have a dead kid or a trans kid. So it’s really coming — higher up than just the parents — it’s coming from the doctors and social workers and colleges …”

    Carson interjected, noting that as a father himself, “you would do anything to prevent your child from wanting to kill himself. That is the scariest thing for any parent that there is.”

    Read More @ WND.com