How Do You Implement Oppression Over a Free Society?


    by Wallace Garneau, America Outloud:

    What are the ‘powers that be’ who run our country?

    The easy answer to that question is ‘we the people,’ and certainly, that is supposed to be true. We the people, have a Constitution that was designed to keep the Federal Government limited, such that the states and the people could, for the most part, live their lives however they wished.

    But we are not very good at following our Constitution, and ironically the party most opposed to the Constitution is the one that calls the other party a ‘threat to the Constitution,’ usually for doing something, such as questioning the legitimacy of an election, that they themselves have done many times.

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    Trespassing in the Capitol Building was supposedly the gravest threat our Constitution has ever seen – but not when it was done to protest the Supreme Court nominations of Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Barrett – two people the left says will end our Republic by interpreting the Constitution <gasp> based on what it actually says.

    Always remember that laws, rules, and norms only exist on the political left to the degree that those things can be weaponized against the political right. This is a core tenet of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals – hold the opposition accountable to their own rules.

    In the meantime, there is no expectation that the political left will follow the law.

    As for morality, the only moral virtue unifying the left is the demand that we tolerate immoral behavior, which is a morality of the lowest common denominator – which is to say, no morality at all.

    I’ve written in the past about how, in a leaked transcript from a speech Hillary Clinton gave the partners at Goldman Sachs, Hillary Clinton laid out a vision in which our country would be run, politically, economically, culturally – you name it – by a partnership between government, big banks, big business, the mainstream media, and big tech. This group would not report to the Constitution, the states, nor the people. Hillary Clinton, in fact, told Goldman Sachs that her entire public political platform was all a lie designed to get elected and that her actual agenda had absolutely nothing to do with anything she might say to the public.

    When Trump won in 2016, we saw this group take power. Hillary Clinton may or may not have been at its head – we will never know – but we watched this group form right in front of our eyes to oppose Donald Trump’s Presidency.

    They opposed him at every turn.

    The media spread lies about Trump (and as 2020 came along, big tech began actively suppressing the truth), bureaucrats in Trump’s own administration undercut his agenda, banks began forcing corporations to ‘go woke’ to get funding, investment houses bought significant stakes in corporations and literally forced them to ‘go woke,’ science got spun on its head until the word ‘science’ became completely separated from ACTUAL science. To be blunt, as soon as Trump won, the country turned into what I can call a shit show, all to undercut Trump and ensure he lost the 2020 election.

    Now I’m not a Trump fan, as anyone who reads me regularly will know, but when the FBI, CIA, NSC, DOJ, EPA, and a host of other organizations that reported to President Trump all actively worked with the DNC to help get Joe Biden elected – that was treason.

    And nobody is being held accountable. Instead, a bunch of Republicans (including Trump) are being held accountable.

    There is another piece to the puzzle nobody, as far as I can tell, has looked at yet, and that is the ‘get out the vote’ campaigns.

    Everyone, of course has the right to vote, and everyone should, of course be allowed to vote, but keep in mind the old saying, “those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it,” and then take into account that if those who fail to learn from history vote in large numbers, then those who DO learn from history are suddenly also forced to relive it.

    And with what Time championed as a ‘well-funded cabal’ running the country behind the scenes – with control over the mainstream media, big tech, banking, investment houses, corporate America, and those IN government (even when not in control over those in office), we should start to assume that everything we see, hear, or think we know, is very likely a lie.

    We can separate the public into three groups. The first group are those who understand some semblance of what is going on and who oppose it. I would put myself in that category. Since what we actually know is limited, it is not that hard to distract us with questions like, “who controls the Biden White House,” as if coming up with a specific name matters when we do know that whoever it is, is a part of the ‘well-funded cabal.’

    The second group are those who either are a part of what is happening, or who support it (often blindly after following the propaganda). These are the people who still wear masks and who do not know what a woman is. The teacher that just had a doctor chemically castrate a 13-year-old boy against his parents’ will (likely without telling them) is on this side.

    Understand that many of these people believe themselves to be informed and knowledgeable. These are the people who believe the 1619 Project is actual history.

    Both of these groups would vote in large numbers even if they had to drive to a polling station on election day, and the first group outnumbers the second group by a wide margin.

    The third group consists of all of those who do not know what is going on and who really cannot be bothered to find out. These people are essentially voting blind and are thus incredibly open to propaganda, and now we mail them all ballots and let political operatives go door to door, making sure those ballots are filled out and turned in.

    Why would we ever encourage people who have no idea what they are voting on and who do not care enough to show up to vote, to vote anyway?

    Why? Because they are easy to control through propaganda. This is also a system ripe for ballot fraud.

    The cabal does not just control the United States either. They control Canada, the EU, Australia, and other Western countries – every country where the question ‘what is a woman’ has become controversial. The cabal is global, as evidenced by all of these nations spreading the same propaganda.

    What does the cabal want?  We can only guess their end game, but we can very clearly see what they are doing:

    1. Use mass migrations to destabilize Western cultures,
    2. Control access to information,
    3. Censor opposition,
    4. Weaken Western economies,
    5. Deflate currencies,
    6. Spend unaccountable sums of money on wars to launder money into political campaigns, and to fund off-book intelligence operations,
    7. Massive and unsustainable deficit spending to choke-out free markets and to make continued governance unsustainable,
    8. Destabilize big cities through pro-crime policies,
    9. Reduce private-property rights by refusing to enforce the law,
    10. Control access to natural resources,
    11. Make energy prohibitively expensive (and thus impoverish the public), and
    12. Take and keep power.

    Those are not things the cabal might be doing – those are things the cabal IS doing, and HAS BEEN doing right in front of our eyes, in some cases, for decades.

    There are also a lot of things organizations such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) claim to want to do, but that are either not happening yet or are too much in their infancy to know for sure if that is where we are headed. The WEF, for example, wants to reduce the human population by 90%. The Netherlands are reducing their agricultural output by 90% as well. Does that make de-population an actual policy? Who knows.

    What is rapidly becoming an actual policy is to ban pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, and to make half of all farmland fallow. These steps would reduce world agricultural output by 90%, so pay attention when you hear farming attacks.

    Is Putin a part of the cabal? The war in Ukraine is certainly helpful to their cause, and now we have a war that may last forever. Was George W Bush a part of the cabal? He is chummy enough with the Obamas and Clinton’s now that all are out of office, and if we go back to the start of this whole thing, it was the Patriot Act and other laws that came out in response to 9/11.

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