Striking New School Students Demand All A’s


    from Moonbattery:

    A University of California, San Diego professor recently announced that she had “decolonized” her classes by giving every student an A, regardless of whether they have earned one. Liberals associate the concept of merit with Caucasians, whom they hate. The idea of A’s for all is catching on among the pampered moonbats at the overpriced New School in New York City. In a throwback to the golden age of campus tantrums, they have occupied a building:

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    [A] letter of demands now calls for A grades for all students. It says in part: “We demand that every student receives a final course grade of A as well as the removal of I/Z grades for the Fall 2022 semester.” The letter insisted, “Attendance shall have no bearing on course grade.”

    I/Z = temporary incomplete/unofficial withdrawal. The brats don’t always bother to show up for class, despite the $51,900/year tuition, mainly paid by their doting parents and loans that Democrats want us to pick up the tab for.

    Just in case students have to pay some of it themselves,

    The letter also states that occupying students demand a refund “for the loss of instructional time due to the strike” and that “this tuition refund will be proportional to the duration of the semester during which the strike is in effect.”

    Other demands entail various resignations and for the university president’s house to “be treated as a communal property.”

    There was a time in American history when men where men and women were women at the age of 18. Nowadays, thanks to the corrosion caused by moonbattery, kids well into their 20s could benefit from being taken over the knee.

    But of course Assistant Vice President of Communications and Public Affairs Amy Malsin bleats that New School educrats are “listening closely to all of our students’ concerns.”

    Maybe the overgrown children deserve A’s after all. They are applying the ideology New School preaches. Its Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice is “committed to fostering an equitable, inclusive, and socially just environment for our community.”

    Equity means everybody gets an A, but A’s no longer mean anything.

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