Biden’s Migrants Are Displacing Americans from Homeless Shelters


    by Neil Munro, Breitbart:

    Tens of thousands of economic migrants invited by President Joe Biden are displacing Americans from homeless shelters just before Christmas, according to the Wall Street Journal.

    The newspaper reported on December 15 from El Paso, Texas, where the many job-seeking migrants are being released by Alejandro Mayorkas’s easy migration policies. The numbers are so high that many migrants cannot find seats in departing buses and aircraft:

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    John Martin, deputy director at El Paso’s Opportunity Center for the Homeless … said the Opportunity Center’s five shelters traditionally focus on the city’s local homeless population but since August have routinely housed migrants released in the city. On Wednesday, the group’s Welcome Center housed about 129 people, nearly all of whom were migrants.

    “Our ideal capacity is 85,” Mr. Martin said of the Welcome Center. The nearby men’s shelter housed nearly 200 men Wednesday, about 60% of whom are migrants, in a space meant to comfortably house 100 to 120 people, he said.

    Meanwhile, with shelters full, some migrants have spent the night sleeping outside as overnight temperatures have been at or below freezing this week. Migrants crowded outside bus stations Wednesday wrapped themselves in blankets provided by the Red Cross and other charities. Hundreds of others have taken to spending the night at the airport while waiting for morning flights.

    Most of the migrants are single men, who are eager to take low-wage jobs, share crowded apartments, and compliantly accept abuse from employers. They migrate because U.S. jobs — many of which are paid in tax-free cash — pay far more money than they could earn at home and allow them to quickly pay smuggling debts and send money back to their families.

    The El Paso migrants are being sent to other cities by the government-backed network of migration-support groups. The reported on December 17:

    Ruben Garcia, the executive director of Annunciation House, a network of temporary shelters in El Paso for migrants and refugees, told the Texas Standard that his group sent a bus of refugees to a faith community in Kansas City, Mo., on Monday and that he had spoken with some of the people who had crossed.

    “I asked them, what were the numbers like? And, you know, I heard words like ‘indescribable,’ the lines longer than you could even see,” Garcia said. “So we’re just seeing many, many refugees that are crossing the border at this particular time. And of course, it’s creating a tremendous challenge.”

    The Associated Press reported on December 15:

    Mario D’Agostino, a deputy city manager [in El Paso] …. outlined a new strategy that might ferry migrants to large, nearby transportation hubs, such as Dallas, Denver and Phoenix. He said federal immigration authorities are preparing to possibly process and directly release migrants at a bridge that connects Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, and El Paso.

    “Two days after the city of Denver opened an emergency shelter to accommodate more than 100 migrants who arrived in the city from the country’s southern border, another 20 arrived on Thursday, city officials said,” according to a December 8 report in Denver Post.

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