On the sudden death of Grant Wahl and the fury and hypocrisy of vaccine advocates


    by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

    Grant Wahl died suddenly and tragically last week.

    That’s all anyone is supposed to say.

    Wahl was a prominent soccer journalist with over 850,000 Twitter followers and a growing Substack account. As you may have heard, he collapsed and died while covering a World Cup match in Qatar late on December 9.

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    His death became the subject of international controversy after his brother briefly suggested that someone in Qatar might have murdered Wahl because of his left-learning political views. In reality, an autopsy has now found that Wahl died of a ruptured aortic aneurysm.

    Died suddenly. A fraught phrase in the mRNA vaccine era.

    For Wahl’s family, including his wife, Dr. Celine Gounder, Wahl’s death is awful and tragic.

    But as much as they or anyone might wish it to be, it cannot be entirely a private matter – and not only because Wahl was a public figure who died in public.

    At the time of his death, Wahl was an apparently healthy 48-year-old. His brother’s unfortunate accusations reflect the reality that unexplained sudden deaths of people under 50 are rare.

    But Wahl was not murdered.

    As Dr. Gounder disclosed on Wednesday, an autopsy conducted by the New York Medical Examiner’s office revealed he died of an undiagnosed aortic aneurysm that had been developed over time. An aneurysm is a balloon-like bulging in the wall of an artery. If it bursts, blood can burst out, destroying tissue around the tear and leading to blood loss and serious injury or death.

    Aortic aneurysms are rare, especially in people under 50. The overall rate per year is roughly 1 in 10,000 or less, but the mean age at which aneurysms are diagnosed is about 70.

    Their underlying cause is often unknown, but one condition that raises the risk for them is giant cell arteritis – an inflammation of the lining of the arteries.

    In turn, cases of giant cell arteritis have emerged following Covid vaccination.

    To be clear: there are many uncertainties here. Aneurysms can take years to develop and have many potential underlying conditions. Grant Wahl’s family has not released his autopsy report, so we do not know if he suffered from giant-cell arteritis – which is a very uncommon condition AND CAN GO UNDIAGNOSED IN MILD CASES (POST-PUBLICATION EDIT) – or that even if he did, mRNA jabs were the underlying cause. We also do not know if the mRNA shots could have caused other cardiovascular problems for Wahl that may have raised his risk of aneurysm. German pathologists have just reported finding infiltration by CD4 T-cells, which the body produces in response to mRNA vaccination, in the heart cells of some people who had suffered myocarditis and died following vaccination.

    But we do know Wahl was vaccinated and had received at least one booster.


    Grant Wahl was a strong advocate for the Covid vaccines. He used his public platform to press Covid vaccines and insult the unvaccinated.

    He reported being vaccinated with the Pfizer jab in April 2021 and boosted in December 2021.

    Did he receive a “bivalent” booster this fall? He didn’t say so publicly, and uptake of the bivalents has been slow.

    But he is more likely than most people to have done so. His wife, Dr. Gounder, is an infectious diseases expert who served on the board that advised President Biden on Covid measures after his election.

    She promoted Covid jabs and vaccine passports and mandates. In August 2021, she backed New York City’s decision to ban unvaccinated people from workplaces and public amenities like restaurants and gyms.


    On November 22, she tweeted “The only boosters available now are the updated bivalent boosters. If you’re 50+ or immunocompromised or pregnant, get a COVID booster ASAP.”

    Wahl was 47 at the time, so he was just outside the categories Gounder had recommended.

    To sum up: last week, the mRNA vaccine-promoting husband of a leading Covid vaccine advocate died suddenly and publicly from an aneurysm, a condition that has as an underlying risk factor an illness that physicians have reported as mRNA vaccine-related.

    The vaccine advocate then released a statement announcing that his death could not have been related to the vaccine.

    As far as the media and public health advocates are concerned, the story should end there. In fact, one should be allowed even to point out these potential connections, and they will attack and try to shame anyone who does.

    Read More @ alexberenson.substack.com