by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:
New datapoints suggest yes. A continuing trend will be VERY good news – and even harder for Covid vaccine advocates to explain.
New evidence of a link between all-cause mortality and mRNA Covid vaccines is arriving – for an unexpectedly hopeful reason.
After a short burst of booster shots earlier this fall, people in highly mRNA vaccinated countries are resoundingly rejecting more jabs. The $100-billion-plus experiment with novel Covid vaccines is finally grinding to a halt.
Now death rates, which have run 15 to 20 percent above normal in the mRNA countries all year, may be dropping somewhat too.
The figures are fragmentary, but promising.
Just a few hours ago, Victoria, Australia, which comes closer than anywhere else in the world to counting actual deaths in real time, reported 3,736 deaths in November. That figure was only about 5 percent above the 2016-2021 average – well below monthly increases from earlier in the year.
Last Thursday, a European consortium called EuroMOMO said its most recent weekly estimates “show elevated but decreasing level of excess mortality.”

Of course, the trend is only in its earliest stages, and may yet reverse. But if it continues, the trend will be the strongest evidence yet that the mRNA shots themselves – not “long Covid” or other potential factors – have driven deaths higher this year in the countries that used them.
(Why? The answer lurks behind the paywall, at least for the next 72 hours.)
Both vaccine advocates and the hard-core anti-vaxxers have misunderstood and misrepresented all-cause mortality data since countries completed the first wave of mRNA vaccinations in 2021.
Vaccine advocates have spent the last year ignoring the reality that deaths remain well above normal in highly mRNA vaccinated countries. The rise even more striking because it runs contrary to predictions demographers made when Covid began.
Because the novel coronavirus clearly targeted people at the end of their lives, researchers expected a so-called “pull-forward” effect – that deaths would temporarily drop following the end of the pandemic before returning to normal a year or two later.
The rise in deaths has now gone on for too long to be ignored, so vaccine advocates have sought to blame it on “long Covid,” delayed medical care, or continuing Covid deaths in the unvaccinated.
The second and third explanations are provably untrue.
Countries like Australia and Taiwan had essentially no Covid and thus delayed medical care in 2020 and 2021, yet they have large increases in deaths now. Meanwhile, all over the world, the vast majority of Covid deaths now occur in the mRNA vaccinated. In Israel, for example, 64 of the 82 people who died in the last month had received at least two mRNA shots.
The long Covid explanation is harder to argue, mostly because at this point even the proudest, loudest long Covid advocates have not quite defined what long Covid is, much less how it might kill its victims.
Worse, long Covid is such a joke – I mean a pressing medical mystery – that the very expensive clinics set up to research and treat it cannot even find enough patients to fill their offices.
(And by unaware, the writer means “couldn’t care less”)

Meanwhile, many anti-vaxxers have overstated the increase in deaths this year – and also misrepresented who is dying and why. Leading anti-vaccine scientists have claimed that deaths are 40 or 50 percent above normal, and that many excess deaths are occurring in young people.
In reality, the excess deaths this year have nearly all occurred in the elderly and frail, just as deaths from Covid do. In Quebec, for example, overall deaths are well above normal this year, but deaths in people under 50 are NOT.
(The black line represents deaths this year in Quebecers under 50, which are actually below the trend of the last several years.)
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