A Great Analysis Of The PsyOp Being Waged Upon The Free People Of The World By COVID Totalitarians As They Attempt To Cover Up Their Deadly Crimes Upon Humanity


    by Joel S Hirschhorn, All News Pipeline:

    As a service to my subscribers, here is another essay that stimulates critical thinking. To be clear, I have long invoked propaganda by powerful entities as causing harmful pandemic impacts as people became victims by putting their trust in the wrong institutions. This essay is long; consider reading it in several parts. Originally by Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin posted On America Out Loud.

    Mattias Desmet: Mass Hypnosis Expert or Trojan Horse? The Full Story

    The author of the idea calls it mass formation and mass hypnosis. Others have added mass psychosis. He began promoting the concept in Europe to many enthusiastic media, intellectuals, scientists, and physicians. Then it took off in America, where “mass hypnosis” has become a buzzword among critics of COVID-19 policies and practices.

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    Many thoughtful people who listened to him felt, at long last, they had a label to put on their fellow citizens who were acting zombie-like, soulless, and compliant in response to draconian pandemic measures and all the lies they were being told. Some of the most dedicated reformers in the truth-in-science and freedom movement embraced his ideas. To many, it was a relief to be able to label it — mass formation or mass hypnosis — and to think that there was good science or psychology to bolster the diagnosis.

    Now the author of the concept, European psychoanalyst Mattias Desmet, has written a book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism. I’m a psychiatrist and, like Desmet, I’m a psychotherapist; but early in my career, I rejected joining one of Freud’s psychoanalytic institutes for special training. I did that for many reasons. First, it was apparent to me that psychoanalysis was an unscientific cult that demanded conformity to a number of very bizarre theories that degraded the human spirit. Second, the training itself required an incredible degree of daily submissiveness to authority. Trainees, many of them already psychiatrists, had to pay to lie on a couch for an hour five days a week while a “training psychoanalyst” would very occasionally make incisive remarks that were supposed to get to their unconscious mind. Third, it smacked of victim-blaming — a subject I will address further that is key to Desmet’s dogma.

    Reading an advance copy of the Psychology of Totalitarianism in July 2022 confirmed my fears that Desmet’s concepts lay in the general arena of an intellectual hoax, a nasty use of speculative psychoanalysis to dismiss serious researchers investigating the origins of COVID-19, and a purposeful cover-up of the elites and the globalists responsible for the worst outcomes inflicted on humanity during the pandemic. 

    There was no reason to invent or apply a new concept like mass formation to explain the misery, apathy, and docility, seen in the general population and even among our colleagues. Individual doctors had, and continue to have, many good reasons to feel helpless, marginalized, and overwhelmed. Physicians who so much as voice doubt about the dominant views on COVID-19 are continuing to lose their teaching appointments, their clinical positions, their board certifications, and even their medical licenses. They continue to be censored and removed from Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter for simply disagreeing with the CDC, FDA, NIH, or even the media like ABC or CNN. Very few in the medical community dare to refuse vaccinations for themselves or their patients.

    Now, in one of the greatest betrayals of their patients in medical history, only the bravest among physicians are refusing to go along with jabbing infants, who have nothing to gain, since COVID-19 will not harm them, and everything to lose, including their good health, their reproductive capacities, and their lives. 

    Millions of other citizens are similarly intimidated and censored. Many are required to submit to vaccinations under threat of losing their jobs, educational opportunities, or participation in competitive sports. And if any dare questions the COVID-19 narrative, they continue to be ostracized, censored, shamed, and made to feel guilty by coworkers, friends, and family members — and even rejected by their personal physicians.

    The simple truth is that what Desmet calls mass formation or mass hypnosis is the response of normal human beings to extreme threats and harassments, and the loss of personal freedom. Add to that the isolation that was more widespread and rampant when he was finishing his book in November 2021 and the escalating threat to our constitutional democracies — it would be a miracle if anyone survived unscathed.

    The bewildered, stupefied, demoralized, and compliant looks on the faces of so many people, including many of our colleagues, are similar to the responses of abused children, battered women, inmates confined in state mental hospitals, inmates of prisons, and citizens of brutal totalitarian regimes. I saw the same look on the faces of people forced to live in East Berlin shortly before the Berlin Wall came down. 

    Rather than birds flying beautifully in unison, as Desmet analogizes to explain mass formation, during COVID-19, many people have become more like a flock of goldfinches huddled silently together in the bushes hiding from the hawk circling above. When the hawk is gone, they come alive again and go about their cheery business.

    Furthermore, the so-called mass formation has nothing whatsoever to do with the madness of crowds or mass hypnosis, which are Desmet’s favorite comparisons and sources of “science.” Crowds were outlawed during the worst COVID-19 oppression. COVID-19 victims were suffering, and many continue to suffer, from isolation and political abuse, not from deranged hyperactive crowd misbehavior. 

    The victims of COVID-19 totalitarianism were not and are not energized and potentially violent, which is the model for the madness of crowds. They weren’t gathering in groups until very recently when resistance groups — including truckers and farmers — formed in Canada, the Netherlands, and other nations. Up until then, most of the time, the so-called “masses” were withdrawn and docile. The psychodynamics of abuse and submission to authority helps to explain what has been happening since early 2020 to all of us, while “mass formation” or the psychology of “mad” and out-of-control crowds has no relationship to the suffering of people under COVID-19.

    Similarly, mass hypnosis has nothing to do with behavior during the height of COVID-19 oppression. If mass hypnosis does occur, which I doubt, it happens at Nazi-like Communist rallies where people are primed by ideology, inspired by pageantry and charismatic speakers, and energized by the group — while ultimately terrified of doing anything other than conform. It may happen when a worshipped cult leader harangues his followers, fomenting group cohesion and paranoia toward outsiders. It may happen during the ritual sexual abuse of groups of children. It does not happen when people feel so alone and isolated that it breaks their hearts and renders them apathetic and withdrawn.

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