Died Suddenly – the groundbreaking investigations that made the film possible


by Mike Adams, Natural News:

Before the film Died Suddenly, there were investigations that received far less attention but were pivotal in uncovering the truth about the “fibrous clots” that are causing people to die.

Dr. Jane Ruby broke the “fibrous clots” story in early 2022. She’s the one who first “discovered” embalmer Richard Hirschman. She did the initial due diligence, conducted the phone calls, and reached out to people like myself to get lab tests done on the clots so that she could try to confirm what they were made of. (For the record, we still don’t know for sure what they’re made of, but we are able to eliminate some guesses on what they’re not, which is helpful.)

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Dr. Jane Ruby first broke this story about the fibrous clots on January 31 of 2022, in this Rumble video entitled, “Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots.”

Here’s an embed of the same video on Brighteon, from a third party channel:

From that first breaking news exclusive, Dr. Jane Ruby went on to conduct dozens of interviews and investigation pieces into the fibrous clots story. You can see many of those videos on her channel on Rumble. Or just search Brighteon.com for “Jane Ruby clots” and you’ll see plenty of videos.

During the first half of 2022, Dr. Ruby was reaching out to me privately, asking if I could volunteer our laboratory expertise to examine these clots. I agreed, and she arranged for Richard Hirschman to send clot specimens to my lab. I currently have a fascinating collection of these fibrous clots in my laboratory, where we are still conducting microscopy work (many new photos coming soon) and ICP-MS mass spec analysis.

On June 13th, I invited Dr. Jane Ruby and Richard Hirschman to the Alex Jones Show, where I had been invited to host the show. We made radio history that day by conducting the very first live, on-air microscopy examination of the fibrous clots that had been provided by Hirschman. I brought a $100,000 laboratory microscope to the InfoWars studios in Austin and we did the whole thing live, with Harrison Smith sitting next to me trying not to barf up his breakfast as we manipulated grotesque clot structures with tweezers under the microscope, amplified on the large monitors in the studio.

You can watch that groundbreaking episode on Banned.video at this link. The title of that episode is, “Scientists Confirm COVID Vaccines Contain Nanostructures Colonizing In The Human Body.”


In fact, most of the fibrous clot microscopy photos circulating around the ‘net today are photos that I personally took and published either on NaturalNews.com or aired on the Alex Jones Show as exclusive content.

I published my breaking news photos on June 12, 2022, in an article titled, “EXCLUSIVE: Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who “suddenly died” – crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures.”

Here’s one of the photos that you may recognize:

The “died suddenly” clot phenomenon would not have been known if not for the investigative journalism work of Dr. Jane Ruby

If anybody deserves credit on the fibrous clots story, it’s Dr. Jane Ruby. I wrote a story yesterday about all this, but pulled it within a few hours because the story was being misappropriated by vax pushers to try to discredit the Died Suddenly film, which wasn’t my intention.

Today, I invite everyone becoming aware of all this to simply give Dr. Jane Ruby the credit she deserves for the work she did that brought this issue to light. And we must credit Richard Hirschman for stepping forward and making the clot samples available in the first place, too.

In fact, every person sounding the alarm on this deserves credit, including Steve Kirsch, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough and many others. All the filmmakers, podcasters, news writers, physicians and nurses who stood up and dared to tell the truth about all this deserve recognition. My only hope is that history tells the story accurately, recognizing all those who did outstanding work in this area yet whose names are not loudly featured anywhere.

So my hat’s off to everyone sharing the truth about mRNA dangers, the vaccine clots and the “suddenly died” phenomenon. InfoWars has been bold in this since the very beginning, by the way, and NaturalNews.com has been consistent, too, in warning about the dangers of the vaccine shots (even before they were launched). Somebody needs to give Alex Jones credit in all this, for he was right yet again, and his guests like David Icke were right as well.

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