What Is With The Massive Protests In Brazil?


    by Arjun Walia, The Pulse:

    • The Facts:
      • Images of massive protests in Brazil have been flooding social media since the win of newly elected president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva over Jair Bolsonaro at the end of October.
      • Protestors believe the election was rigged.
      • Bolsonaro protestors have been labelled as racist conspiracy theorists.
    • Reflect On:
      • It’s not uncommon for both left and right to accuse the other side of electron fraud, we’ve seen it with both Biden, Trump and Clinton in the U.S.
      • Both “left” and “right” political parties seem to rely on massive propaganda campaigns to win over the masses, while their real intentions and affiliations seem to be extremely immoral, unethical and corrupt.
      • Do our modern day political systems incentivize bad behaviour?
      • Why do people continue voting these corrupt parties into power when nothing ever seems to change?
      • Are our political systems even capable of service to others?

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    Scrolling through my social media feeds, there are plenty of images of massive protests in Brazil. These protests have apparently been sparked by the newly elected president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva. He won after the rein of Jair Bolsonaro for four years, who has still not conceded defeat.

    The reaction of Bolsonaro voters quickly escaped the control of the authorities. Truck drivers began to occupy the country’s key highways, preventing the supply of large cities. Then, the main capitals had their streets filled with crowds wearing shirts with the colours of the Brazilian flag. People were seen singing the national anthem and making patriotic salutes, demanding that Lula’s election be revoked.

    The situation began to get even more tense. The focus became the concentration of masses in front of the main military units of the country. Protesters are calling for intervention by the armed forces to reverse the election result or take control over the government. The images spreading across social media paint a picture of what could be tens and thousands of people filling the streets.

    In short, these protestors believed the election was rigged, similar to the way Trump supporters believe the last U.S. election was rigged in Biden’s favour. It’s even similar to how Clinton supporters believed Trump’s win in the 2016 election was rigged with the help of “Russian hacking.”

    One thing seems to be quite common in recent years, the losing party always seems to accuse the winning party of fraud, and to be quite honest, both sides are probably guilty. It’s hard to determine what the truth really is. Our political systems have become too compromised and corrupt for any type of transparency. These systems themselves incentivize bad behaviour for those who are entrenched within them.

    If we look at mainstream media, they paint these current protestors in Brazil as violent extreme racist conspiracy theorists, the same way Trump supporters in the US were painted. Or the same way those who supported the “Freedom Convoy” in Canada, were painted. Being labelled as “far right” extremist seems to come with the territory of questioning mainstream narratives, unfortunately.

    Sure, some people in these groups might have extreme views, but many are not extremist, nor are they conspiracy theorists, yet they are still labelled as such as nuance seems gone, and overly simplistic framing of large groups of people through media is what we have culturally resorted to.

    Bolsonaro opposed COVID-19 restrictions, mandatory vaccinations and mask mandates, so anybody who supported him through the pandemic is framed as “ignoring the science” and feeding the flame of “conspiracy theories” by media outlets. We saw this around the globe with those who opposed restrictions, including various renowned academics.

    The point is, it’s hard to trust media these days, especially legacy media. They, along with their political affiliations will continue to misrepresent the truth regarding certain movements and phenomenon, making it nearly impossible to determine what is actually happening.

    They will label one political side as dangerous, spreaders of misinformation and authoritarian dictators, and the other side as the bringers of goodwill, peace and reason. Each side will see themselves in this manner. Meanwhile, almost every time both sides don’t seem to represent the interests of the people and have massive elements of corruption guiding them.

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