Thankful For The Most Interesting Basket Case, If Not Dysfunctional, Silver Market, Ever


    from Silver Doctors:

    The latest ridiculousness, the silver-to-silver ratio arbitrage, is actually the essence of what the Fed calls “smooth market functioning”…

    (by Half Dollar) I have much to be thankful for.

    And while I could write about all of the ways that I’m thankful for all of the Fakes, Frauds, Phonies and Worse being wrong about silver this year, again, suffice it to say that in general, I’m thankful for the most interesting basket case, if not dysfunctional, silver market, ever.

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    There are myriad reasons for that.

    For now, however, a visual representation of the silver “price”:

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    Much could be said about the price versus value.

    Much could be said about so many things, really.

    I think I’ll just say Happy Thanksgiving!

    Starve the Beast…

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