“Pretty Much the Same Way” – Eduardo Bolsonaro Agrees the Brazilian Left Stole the Election Just Like they did in the US (VIDEO)


    by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

    Ben Bergquam ran into Eduardo Bolsonara, the popular son of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro at CPAC Mexico this weekend. Ben is reporting from CPAC Mexico this weekend for Real America’s Voice.

    Ben Bergquam: Did they steal Brazil like they stole America, the elections?

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    Eduardo Bergquam: Pretty much the same way. We have a lot of questions. Our party is suggesting for electoral courts to continue the investigation because you have a lot of evidence. Unfortunately, they are not doing that. That’s why they (we) take to the streets. Today we have I think 18 days in the streets protesting because they do not want a criminal again in the presidency. But also because of the way they campaigned… The evidence from the machines is only one thing. There were much other things that the electoral court did not go in the right way during the campaign.

    The communists were out in force.

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