Noose Nonsense at Obama Presidential Center


    from Moonbattery:

    Hate hoaxes involving alleged nooses no longer pass the laugh test, even if they are found on the construction site of a temple devoted to worship of the Moonbat Messiah himself:

    I wonder if the noose they found is the same one Jussie Smollett wore around his neck for some time after it was allegedly placed there in the middle of the night during a snowstorm by the Trump supporters who we were expected to believe rule the streets of Chicago.

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    If not, it might have been the noose psycho PC bully/Black Lives Matter activist/NASCAR Driver of Color Bubba Wallace found in his garage. No wait, that was just a door pull.

    Maybe it was the noose that oppressed two black professors at Penn State University. No, that turned out to be part of a swing set.

    Could it be the noose that inflicted hate upon a construction site at Central Connecticut State University? Apparently not, since that was just a steel loop in a construction cable.

    Then it must have been one of the nooses unleashed against Persons of Color at Stanford. No again; those were loops in what had apparently once been part of an abandoned swing or rope ladder.

    Despite the Obama center noose being at worst a prank, and almost certainly either a hate hoax or just an innocent piece of rope,

    Lakeside Alliance, the company building the $830 million dollar presidential center, told the New York Post it immediately halted construction and notified police after a noose was discovered at the worksite on Thursday morning.

    Lakeside alliance is offering a $100,000 reward to find the culprit who left a piece of rope at a construction site, where rope tied in all sorts of knots can often be found all over the place. Fools and their money…

    Democrat demagoguery went straight to fifth gear:

    The Obama Foundation told the New York Post the incident was “a shameless act of cowardice” and Illinois’ Democratic Gov. J.B Pritzker called it “a heart-stopping reminder of the violence and terror inflicted on Black Americans for centuries.”

    Panted Pritzker,

    “I condemn this act of hate in the strongest possible terms, and the state of Illinois will make all needed resources available to help catch the perpetrators.”

    Meanwhile, actual criminals in Chicago are allowed to run riot.

    You would think the media would brandish the noose triumphantly as evidence in support of its narrative. But I can only find pictures of a nondescript coil of rope stuffed in a trash bag.

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