Neil Oliver, What Happens Now When Politicians Openly Represent Corporations, Not People


    from The Conservative Treehouse:

    For his weekly monologue Neil Oliver outlines the reality of the British government no longer pretending to represent the people of the United Kingdom, but openly represents corporations and the interests of multinationals.

    While the general topic of a disconnected governing body is referenced toward how the U.K. government is disregarding the opinion of the British citizens, the overarching theme outlined by Oliver also applies to the United States.  WATCH:

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    (Transcript) – Does Britain still exist? Or is it being dismantled to make way for something else?

    Obviously, there are some square miles of dry land off the coast of mainland Europe still going by the name of Britain. Britain is still on the map.

    As a for instance, if you pay a people smuggler some thousands of bucks and say, take me to Britain, he will know where you mean and will transport you to a rendezvous with a British border force vessel or an RNLI lifeboat financed by donations from the British public, and either will cheerfully ferry you to the British coast where you will be collected and taken to a fine hotel and given food, money and access to all the facilities a person might need all of it paid for by taxes from those same British people millions of British people who are themselves painfully short of money and struggling to feed themselves and heat their homes.


    Those taxes are predicted to rise, so that more of our money might be flushed out of Britain, away from the British, towards those deemed more deserving.

    … but does that name, Britain, still define a sovereign country in any meaningful sense?

    The crisis on the south coast is only part of a bigger problem. These islands of ours offer free accommodation, three meals a day and cash – no questions asked – plus more chance of bagging a council house than anyone actually born here. Who wouldn’t jump at the chance? But the setting aside of the border to make way for thousands of new arrivals every day is only a symptom of a homegrown sickness.

    Ironically, in the aftermath of all the damage done to the personal immune systems of millions, billions of people worldwide, by the policies and medical practices of the past two years, Britain herself has been similarly weakened, deep down:

    Instead of keeping the country safe and well those entities supposed to function like the nation’s immune system parliament, the institutions of state the civil service, the judiciary, the police have turned on the British people instead, and upon the structures that ought to protect us from harm. Like someone suffering from auto-immune disease, our national immune system is now destroying the healthy cells which is to say us, the British people.

    Any country is a fiction when you get right down to it. For continued existence, every country depends on enough of the people who happen to occupy that space sharing the same idea about where they live. If enough people believe in the existence of Britain – and are prepared to give their all to maintain Britain – then Britain prevails. If the day comes when too many have forgotten what Britain is, or simply don’t care if she exists or not, then Britain is no more. The dry land will still be there, the roads and buildings, but that is all.

    This is the time of remembrance, when we claim … claim to honour the ancestors who gave the last full measure of devotion to protect this country and see it handed on intact to future generations: “When you go home, tell them of us and say … For your tomorrow, we gave our today.”

    Those words are graven in stone all over this country.

    Today’s leaders have no loyalty to Britain or the British – none that I can see. Maybe a few still FEEL some loyalty – but are just too demoralised or scared to declare it, far less to do anything about it.

    Whatever loyalties the rest of them have, on both sides of the aisle … they lie elsewhere, not honestly declared.

    For one thing, they are loyal to those entities that DO make all the meaningful decisions, which is to say the markets and the banks. It was the markets that wanted rid of Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng and so they went.

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