Neil Oliver Responds to the Request for COVID Amnesty, “You want WHAT”?


    from The Conservative Treehouse:

    One of the most stubborn voices of unapologetic reason and pushback over the past two years amid COVID madness has been U.K political pundit Mr Neil Oliver.

    Specifically, because Oliver and CTH are aligned in a common brotherhood within the rebel alliance movement; and specifically, because Oliver outlined in weekly granular details all of the affronts to reason, liberty and general commonsense throughout the pandemic madness; I was waiting to see/hear how Oliver would respond to the latest request for “pandemic amnesty” from the Branch Covidians.  His 15-minute reply to the totalitarians beating a hasty retreat is awesome.

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    Oliver walks through some of the more egregious examples of totalitarianism and dictatorial fiat from two years of the public-private partnership, and then outlines why it is beyond comprehension that Covidians would even fathom to request “amnesty” after their two-years terroristic campaign and shredding of individual rights at the altar of the Covidian religion.  Well worth watching:


    First, the pandemic madness needs to stop.  Then the perpetrators need to admit the totality of their brutal conduct.  Then an apology.  Then there needs to be visible and public requests for forgiveness. Then there needs to be a reckoning, which includes the need for consequential punishment.  After the punishment as a deterrent, there needs to be a global vow never to repeat the behaviors.

    Any talk of possible amnesty comes long after those sequential issues are resolved.  But considering, well, hell, they haven’t even stopped the madness yet, they have some nerve asking for amnesty.


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