Man Fought for Free Speech With ‘F**k the Police’ Sign so City Officials Turned His Life Into a Living Hell


    by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

    In the land of the free, freedom of speech has long been under attack and it is a bipartisan effort. Many of those complicit in the quelling of free speech are merely useful idiots and have no idea they are participating in one of the most effective forms of censorship humanity has ever seen.

    All people have to do to silence anyone with whom they disagree is to now claim their speech offended them or that it’s misinformation and that person is banned or suspended from social media, or, in some extreme instances, face legal action.

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    Telling people what words they can and can’t say to ‘protect’ others is chilling and nothing short of tyrannical. Freedom of speech does not come with terms and conditions as words alone, less the obvious yelling “fire” in a movie theater, cannot cause physical harm — despite team woke declaring otherwise.

    If you need the state to ban or arrest people to protect you from the offensive or even outright false information they are spreading, you are a far greater threat than they are. If you support the state doing so, you’re a fascist. It is that simple.

    Luckily, there are people who can see outside of this overt attempt to control what people can and cannot say and have taken action to call it out. TFTP spoke to one of these individuals who is currently being persecuted for nothing other than his speech. Andrew Sheets is an advocate for freedom and his activism has put a target on his back.

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