Actor Tim Robbins Just Admitted The Truth About ‘Safe And Effective’ Covid Vaccines: ‘I Bought Into It. I Demonized People. I Was Guilty Of Everything That I Came To Understand Was Not Healthy’


    by Alicia Powe, The Gateway Pundit:

    Oscar-winning actor Tim Robbins admits that he “regrets” falling for the lies pushed by the government and corporate press, surrounding discriminatory Covid measures and Covid vaccines that “do not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting Covid-19.”

    In an interview with investigative reporter Matt Taibbi, Robbins said he initially believed the safe and effective propaganda about Covid at the start of the pandemic, but ultimately realized it was all predicated on lies.

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    “I totally understood it in the first year. I was compliant with everything. I locked down, I isolated, I was away from people for seven months. I bought into it. I demonized people. I was guilty of everything that I came to understand was not healthy,” Robbins admitted.

    When lockdown restrictions suddenly waned during Black Lives Matter protests in 2020, Robbins began to realize Covid was about instituting a political agenda.

    “I was angry at people that weren’t wearing masks, and protesting about it in Orange County,” he said. “Yet, a month later I was protesting for BLM in the streets with a mask on. A week after that, I kind of had to do a self-check on that. I knew there was a little bit of hypocrisy going on there

    “I had a really good friend that died from it early on. I was angry. I was fearful, and I did everything I could to help stop the spread, but also I kept my eyes open and at my age, I think one of the most important things that I’ve been able to do is understand that I’m not right all the time, and I have to check myself and see where the hypocrisy lay. So I started having more questions.”

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