Yes, “Biden Bucks” Are Real


    by Jim Rickards, Daily Reckoning:

    I told my readers several weeks ago about how Joe Biden and the Fed’s plan to develop the digital dollar is moving from the research stage to the development stage.

    Well, the Biden administration has recently released the first-ever framework for developing a U.S. central bank digital currency (CBDC) system. In other words, “Biden Bucks” is getting closer to becoming a reality for us all.

    (I like to call them “Biden Bucks” because I want him to take full credit for what I consider to be a crime.)

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    Essentially, I believe the U.S. dollar, the standard of the world since 1792, will be replaced by a new currency, the digital dollar. It’ll also have the full backing of the Federal Reserve.

    What’s this mean for you? I’ve argued it before but I can’t say it enough…

    It would basically subject your money to government control. “Biden Bucks” would create new ways for the government to control how much you could buy of an item, or even restrict purchases altogether. That’s because the government would keep score of every financial decision you made.

    Nowhere to Hide

    Imagine if the government decides that gasoline needs to be rationed to further advance the climate change agenda?

    Your “Biden Bucks” could be made to stop working at the gas pump once you’ve purchased a certain amount of gasoline in a week. How’s that for control?

    And in a world of “Biden Bucks,” the government will even know your physical whereabouts at the point of purchase. Also, if you give donations to the wrong political party or make purchases the government doesn’t like, maybe the IRS will take a sudden interest in you.

    Who wants to be subjected to an IRS audit?

    If any of this sounds extreme, fantastical or otherwise far-fetched, it’s not. It’s already happening around the world.

    China is already using its CBDC to deny travel and educational opportunities to political dissidents. Canada seized the bank accounts and crypto accounts of nonviolent trucker protesters last winter.

    These kinds of “social credit” systems and political suppression will be even easier to conduct when “Biden Bucks” are completely rolled out in the U.S. In fact, it’s already starting. If you have a PayPal account, you can see that I was not exaggerating.

    Misinformation — or Facts?

    On Oct. 8, PayPal released an update to its user agreement that included a clause allowing PayPal to fine its users $2,500 for using the service to spread “misinformation.” PayPal quickly retracted the update and said the misinformation clause had been included in error (isn’t it always?).

    In truth, this was nothing but a foreshadowing of life under central bank digital currencies.

    They want to surveil us all and take our money for holding the wrong views. China has shown the world that it can control the whole population this way. PayPal was designated to be the test case.

    The management at PayPal considers misinformation to be anything they disagree with even if facts and science are on your side. Well, here are some facts…

    The COVID vaccines are not real vaccines; they are experimental gene-modification therapies that do not stop you from getting infected and do not stop the spread if you do get infected.

    Masks don’t work because the SARS-CoV-2 virus (that causes COVID) is only 1/5,000th the size of the weave. The virus goes right through the mask.

    There is no climate emergency. There is evidence that the 2020 presidential election involved extensive irregularities, including cheating.

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