The State of New California Takes One Step Closer to Being America’s 51st State


    by Joe Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

    The state of New California took another giant step towards statehood last week.  

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    These multiple unconstitutional anti-American actions taken by the far-left and now communist acting leaders of the state are too much.  The state cannot continue with policies of open borders, high crime, massive spending, and corrupt elections.  Because of all this, the state of New California was formed.

    The leadership of the new state of California has held numerous meetings over the past few years.  They ultimately decided to use the West Virginia model to create a new state which is made up of numerous counties in the current state of California.

    During the Civil War a group of patriots that wanted to side with the Union, broke off from Virginia Democrats and created their own state.  This model was adopted by the patriots in California more than a century later.  In the 1860s America was in a Civil War.  In the 2020s America is being destroyed from the inside by a different group of Democrats with no regard for the US Constitution.

    Last Friday the participants working towards statehood for the new state held another meeting.  This meeting was special.  The New California State Senate and Assembly both approved the EMERGENCY ORDINANCE FOR THE REORGANIZATION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT.

    From the first paragraph of their Emergency Ordinance, the new state members write:

    “We the People of the State of California by their Delegates assembled do ordain as follows:
    A Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, and Secretary of State for the State of California shall be appointed by this body to discharge the duties and exercise the powers which pertain to their respective offices by the existing laws of the State under the Constitution of 1849/50 as approved by the United States Congress at the time of statehood, and to continue in office for six months, or until their successors be elected and qualified. The General Assembly is required to provide by law for an election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor by the people as soon as in their judgment such election can be properly held.”

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