Trump Embarrasses the ‘Elites’


    by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker:

    Donald Trump is still the most popular politician in America.  Despite the best efforts of a Deep State–supporting, fake news–peddling, globalist-puppeteering Axis of Evil dedicated to his disposal, President Trump still stands.  That any man could be so continuously pummeled by the corrupt efforts of America’s criminal (in)justice system, sociopathic officeholders, shady spies for hire, and propaganda-spewing press and yet rise with such vim and vigor is a sight to see!  Courage and resilience in the face of unrelenting torment and scorn tend to galvanize those witnessing the bloody spectacle to the sufferer’s cause.  To remain undefeated while the torturers’ whipping arms become weak and weary inspires legions to remain undefeated, too.  How do great and powerful systems come toppling down?  When one man stands fearlessly before the rot and rancidness with a giant mirror and says, “Look at what you’ve become.”

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    Obama’s RINO friend Paul Ryan made a bit of news this last week by confidently predicting that Donald Trump would not be the Republicans’ 2024 presidential nominee.  The former do-nothing speaker of the House finds it preposterous that primary voters would choose Trump over so many more attractive candidates unburdened by his personal baggage, as if that were not the exact same argument Establishment Saboteurs made against him in 2016.  As Yogi Berra would say, “it’s déjà vu all over again.”  To the unending surprise of a great number of card-carrying RINO-crats, neither Jeb Bush nor any of the other “approved” globalists running in 2016’s All-Star class of candidates sailed to victory.  Far from enjoying the presidential perks of a second term today, Ol’ Jeb is right now tossing bread crumbs into a pond of mallard ducks, sadly asking just one to “please, quack.”

    President Trump won fifteen million more votes in 2020 than any other Republican candidate in history and did so with the greatest support from black and Hispanic Americans in sixty years.  He has reconstituted the old and irrelevant Republican Party into something new and exciting that directly appeals to workers, parents, the religious faithful, and patriotic Americans of every color and creed.  He is the standard-bearer of an imaginative and daring path forward for America in the twenty-first century.  Wherever he goes today, thousands line up for hours to hear him speak.  He is the single most important endorsement in the 2022 midterm election cycle.  He leads every poll pitting him in a hypothetical matchup against the decrepit Manchurian candidate currently installed in the White House.  For Americans who want to see him complete what he already began and for those who demand justice for the tainted, fraud-filled 2020 election, he is the only choice who will do in 2024.  Yet, having “learned nothing and forgotten nothing,” Paul Ryan and his dodo flock of extinct, flightless birds still haven’t got a clue.

    Trump embarrasses the “elites” who have wretchedly constructed our very un-American “ruling class.”  When backstabbing Ryan, Mittens Romney, McTurtle, Sassy-pants, or any of the other NeverTrump Chumps speaks of the “Great MAGA King,” every one of them does so with a derision rolling off his tongues that says, “How could anybody support this bourgeois philistine?  He’s just so gauche and unrefined and barely housebroken!”

    There was a short minute when I used to mistake this haughty, upper-class demeanor for pure snobbery, until I considered some of the RINOs’ favorite bedfellows.  Bill Clinton has been credibly accused of rape and tarnished the Oval Office with his vertigo-inducing philandering.  Hillary absconded in the middle of the night with the White House china, paintings, and other historic antiques.  Joe Biden can’t keep from sniffing little girls.  Barack Obama’s unfamiliarity with basic American history is so calamitous that he pronounces the p in “corpsman,” once bragged about having visited all “57 states,” and claimed repeatedly yet preposterously that Islam is “woven into the fabric” of the United States’ founding.  Yet George W. Bush considers Bill and Hillary kin, claims Michelle Obama (whose husband used “W” as a scapegoat for eight years) as his best friend, and has never seemed squeamish around pedophile-ishJustice Thomas–lynching, inveterate liar Uncle Joe.

    No, Donald Trump doesn’t embarrass the “elites” because they perceive him as tacky or unrefined.  Their distress has nothing to do with his fondness for gold-plated furnishings, long red ties, or big buildings adorned with his name.  They do not care that he is loud and boisterous, down-to-earth, or salty with his language.  President Trump humiliates them by simply refusing to bend the knee.  And he terrifies them by choosing to stand taller when they wish him to fall for good.

    For decades, the Uniparty Establishment that quietly conquered America by occupying D.C. insisted that all of America’s problems were too complex to remedy.  Tens of millions of illegal aliens rampaging through the southern border?  America’s blue-collar workforce left desolate after international “free” trade “deals” hollowed out manufacturing towns across the country?  An insidiously creeping totalitarianism wafting over the land in the guises of “political correctness” and other obscene, destructive Marxist claptrap used to whittle down free speech and incinerate family, civic, and religious institutions?  A rising China gaining dominance at Americans’ expense?  The Establishment “Elite” looked around and said, “Sorry, America, there’s just nothing we can do.  It’s best you accept the inevitable and maybe hurry up and die.”

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