Saudi Royal Threatens US with Jihad


    by Kurt Nimmo, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics:

    The Saudis believe they no longer owe the USG any favors.

    It always struck me as an absurd joke when USG officialdom declared Saudi Arabia as a friend and ally. Obviously, this “friendship” is all about oil. Well, thanks to Biden, his cognition slip-sliding away, the Saudis are upset with the USG. Biden’s handlers tried to get the Saudis to postpone announced cuts in oil production until after the election.

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    It is, after all, Saudi oil, so they have all the right in the world to tell Biden to screw off.

    For me, the issue is this: why in the hell did the US ever get involved with these Wahhabi fanatics in the first place? Didn’t they realize the Saudi monarchy considers America a nation of infidels worthy of beheading? Yes, history shows they did know this, but it was not a consideration. Oil was of paramount importance.

    Biden’s demand, stridently rejected, elicited a response from a cousin of “prince” Mohammed bin Salman, a ruthless psychopath who has critics carved up in foreign embassies.

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