Political Indoctrination


    by Larry Romanoff, The Unz Review:

    Americans don’t believe China should adopt US-style multi-party politics because it’s a good system, or even because they believe it’s a good system. Most Americans aren’t sufficiently educated to know if a system is good or bad. Instead, they are deluded that their entire belief system and set of values is held in their minds as the world’s default position, representing the natural order of the universe. And they presume to measure the world according to this political religion.

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    One American wrote: “I’m really tired of hearing about democracy. Time and again, people are saying, maybe the Western style isn’t right for this country, or maybe the country isn’t ready for democracy. Well, when, pray tell, is a country finally ready for democracy?” We can’t help but pity this pathetic fool. You can feel his frustration. To him, it is self-evident that American-style multi-party politics is the natural human condition, the inexorable result of human evolution, and it is beyond the limits of his shrunken intellect to imagine that the correct answer to his question is “Well, maybe never.” Here’s another American, this one with a kind heart. He is tolerant and counsels patience. I like this guy. “We need to recognize that our ideology is not for everybody. The Chinese are still evolving upward, and without an educated society, US-style democracy will not work.” Now we know. The Chinese cannot adopt democracy because they are still primitive, having only just taken their first baby steps from apehood to Americanism. Those who reject our system do not do so because it’s unsuitable, dysfunctional and corrupt, but because they aren’t sufficiently educated.

    If we blow away the smoke, it is self-evident that there are no absolutes in systems of government. A monarchy could be a perfectly acceptable system; there is nothing inherently wrong in having a king. Granted, it’s better if that king is wise, benevolent and responsible because if he is evil, corrupt and interested only in waging war on borrowed money, then the country would be shit. But then this is the main reason the US is shit today – because it’s government and leaders are evil, corrupt, and interested only in waging war on borrowed money. Whether in government or commerce, the critical feature is the character of the leaders.

    Other forms of government or social organisation, the theories of socialism, were never presented to the American public in impartial or even in intelligent terms. There were no discussions of relative strengths or weaknesses or comparative records of accomplishments, nor were these permissible. The perspective offered was exceedingly narrow and any shade of socialism was presented with images of excessive government control, dictatorships and a form of evil. Any part of the world not firmly in the US camp or under American control was displayed to American children and adults in terms of socialist subversion, brutality and desire for world domination.

    Virtually the entire socio-political landscape consisted of politicised rhetoric created by the US media in concert with the government. In contrast to idyllic images of the average American family with their 2.4 children living in their house with the little white picket fence and a yard with green grass, books and TV programs depicted the world outside the US as consisting of “wretched and terrifying places, with photos of malnourished children and bombed-out cities”. Other nations were savage and brutal, their citizens living hopeless grey lives in a hopeless grey world, portrayed as godless and deceitful, evil drones inciting unrest and revolution. There was never a presentation or fair discussion of issues; the intent was never to educate or inform, but to indoctrinate, media and publishing content all pulled from the same political-religious agenda. TV programs and history books read more like jingoistic sermons than facts of history or current affairs: “From island to island, continent to continent, the children of free peoples move the forces of tyranny from the face of the earth”. American religions were riding this wagon with as much eagerness as was the government, the people being taught that anti-communism or anti-socialism was an alliance with God himself, and that America was destined to be the savior of the world by divine appointment.

    Former US Senator William Fulbright wrote that Americans not only misinterpreted their power as virtue, but further misinterpreted the imaginary virtue as a sign of God’s favor, giving America the unique responsibility to make the world wiser, happier and richer. In other words, remaking everyone as Americans. Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell said the US was “a country that exists by the grace of a divine providence”. Herman Melville wrote, “We Americans are the chosen people, and God has predestined – and mankind expects – great things from our race.” It was impossible for young children, and indeed for entire generations of uninformed and simple-minded Americans, to develop a realistic and healthy world view under the onslaught of this incessant propaganda war. While contrary political philosophies were summarily banished as godless, brutal and warlike, the American experience was portrayed in terms of altruism, humanity, morality and rule of law. American children were taught their government’s repeated military travesties were divinely inspired, America riding to the rescue like the cowboys in the Western movies, so when the US military went out on yet another war of liberation to kill yet another 3 million civilians, the citizenry acquiesced, strengthened by their faith in their own virtue.

    History, of course, was one of the casualties of this generations-long domestic propaganda war, since the Americans freely excised the often-barbaric unpleasantness of their actions and reduced historic events to simplistic sound-bytes, caricatures of real events, creating countless popular myths to captivate their domestic audience and shield Americans forever from the truth of their own existence.

    Christopher Columbus is today venerated throughout the US with a Columbus Day holiday and even Washington’s ‘District of Columbia’ is named after him. To support their narrative, the Americans created the myth of Queen Isabella of Spain pawning her crown jewels to finance his voyages of exploration, but none of that is true. Columbus, whose real name was Cristobol Colon, was a Jewish slave trader financed by wealthy Jewish businessmen, whose discovery of the new world set in motion a program of genocide that covered all the Americas, exterminating countless millions of people including the entire Maya, Inca and Aztec civilisations, as well as the Carib Indians and 98% of American aboriginal peoples. To celebrate a national holiday in his name is an unparalleled obscenity, but not for the Americans. To them, Columbus created “freedom”.

    American presidents as a class constitute some of the most shameless myths of US history, always presented in glowing terms of wisdom, humanity and greatness when they were mostly racist genocidal thugs. It was the great George Washington who instructed his troops to skin the bodies of natives “from the hips downward to make boot tops or leggings”, and Theodore Roosevelt, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, was worse, telling Americans that the lives of aboriginal natives were “as meaningless, squalid, and ferocious as the wild beasts”, and that America’s extermination of them and the theft of their land “was ultimately beneficial as it was inevitable”.

    Davy Crockett, an American frontiersman beloved by generations of small boys, was built into the epitome of a moral role model for emulation, the kids being taught he died fighting “an enemy of freedom” at the Alamo. The hell he did. Crockett was little more than a murderous goon expanding the American empire, and died trying to kill thousands of Mexicans, just as he had previously done with the natives. There were many of these so-called American heroes, mostly created from the corpses of resurrected non-descript gangsters and infused with a sudden excess of Christian morality, becoming part Christian soldier and part typical American.

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