Potential Juror Jailed for Not Wearing Covid Mask


    from Moonbattery:

    Joe Biden let slip that the pandemic is over. Nonetheless, Covid tyranny continues:

    There is no mask mandate in North Carolina, yet when Harnett County resident Gregory Hahn reported to the courthouse in Lillington this week without a mask for jury duty and refused to wear one, he was sentenced to 24 hours in the county jail with no bail for contempt of court.

    There are no signs saying masks are required in the courthouse. But a March 2022 joint order from Harnett and Lee County officials (the two counties that comprise this judicial district) grants individual judges or the Clerk of Superior Court or the District Attorney the right to require them in their courtrooms or personal offices.

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    [N]othing in the joint order says residents can be thrown in jail if they decline to wear one.

    Typically, Superior Court Judge C. Winston Gilchrist was not wearing a mask himself as he sent Hahn off to jail in handcuffs. The single father’s request to call his child was denied.

    All-powerful government of the type that has been congealing is characterized by arbitrary tyranny on scales both large and small. As the Founding Fathers understood, whatever power is granted to government will be abused.

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