Huxley’s Brave New World, Orwell’s 1984 & Animal Farm – America’s Thought Police


    by Paul Engel, American Outloud:

    America, and in fact, the world, is turning into a dystopia somewhere between Huxley’s Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984, with a little Animal Farm thrown in just for fun. As another example of this fall into tyranny, I give you America’s Thought Police. Orwell’s Thought Police was a group that monitored what people said and did, arresting them for thought crimes.

    Today, we have government agencies working with media, big tech, and other corporations to not only silence dissent but ensure you are not exposed to ideas that go against progressive political ideology. If the idea of thought police and thought crimes in America doesn’t frighten you, I suggest you read Orwell’s 1984 for a view of what life is like under such a regime.

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