What The Hell Is Wrong With Democrats?


    by Derek Hunter, Townhall:

    They say for a drunk to finally seek the help they have to hit bottom first. What happens when there is no bottom? For the left, there is no bottom. Every time it seems like they hit it, someone breaks out jackhammers and goes deeper. There is no bottom for them to hit because the pursuit of their agenda is the overriding feature of their lives, and like a junkie seeking their next hit, nothing is going to stand in their way. Not even common sense or decency when it comes to kids.

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    A school district in southern California had planned a “family-friendly” drag show for elementary school kids for Halloween. Why? There is no good reason. It takes a special kind of creep to think the thing missing from a child’s life is adult male genitals in their face as other adults cheer, but that kind of creep thrives on the left. 

    There is no such thing as “family-friendly” sexualizing of children, nor is there a non-sexual drag show. That’s the point of the “show” part, otherwise, it would just be a dude standing around in dresses. What else are they going to do, give a TED Talk on economics while tucked back further than the bad memories from childhood likely still haunting them?

    There’s something wrong with an adult who wants to be in any way sexual – grinding, gyrating, twerking – anywhere near a kid. The only thing an elementary school kid should have to do with sex is it is how they were made, any even tangential talk about it should lead to confusion and uncomfortable questions for their parents, not detention…or worse: a front-row seat.

    Naturally, local Democrats scrambled to declare fealty to the Alphabet Mafia. Terra Lawson-Remer, the San Diego County Supervisor from District 3, proudly declared her support for penises shoved into the face of her 3-year-old. She didn’t say what gender her kid is, which likely means she has yet to convince it that it’s the opposite of reality. 

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