Proof – Pfizer and the World’s Governments Lied


    by Greg Boulden, America Outloud:

    This week the European Union Parliament met to discuss the vaccine manufacturers and question leadership about data and efficacy. In their questioning, they unearthed a truth that no politician in America was able to obtain. When the vaccines for Covid were rushed out, Pfizer had done no clinical research on whether or not it prevented transmission. Thankfully, the internet is forever.

    We have a record of media, politicians, and health leaders lying to the American public for an entire year. This lie permeated a myth that destroyed people’s lives. They were shunned and disowned by friends and family, lost jobs, told they could not eat out at restaurants, and uninvited to Holiday gatherings. All because the President and CDC continued a myth without any science invested into it.

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    The politicians in America have failed to protect the citizen’s rights that they were elected to represent. Searching on “Google” for the news I share on today’s podcast is difficult. The censorship of the EUP’s meeting is strong. Thankfully the internet has many tools to spread recordings and news in various formats. You will learn many facts that have been hidden from the public during today’s show. One of the most shocking revelations is that the most vaccinated countries in Europe have the most rise in mortality since the inception of the vaccine. 

    While you may not hear the content of this episode in your local news or cable network, I promise it is news that needs to be shared far and wide. Questions must be raised. A humble ask to share this episode with your local and state politicians, friends, family, and neighbors. We need to heal, and truth may bring us back together.

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