Why is our Military more “Woke” than Lethal? The United States of Emergency.


    by George McClellan , America Outloud:

    The more Democrats deny something, the more apt it is to be true. The destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline is a case in point. US Military helicopters based out of Poland were reported hovering over at least one of the blast sites before the explosion. Joe, say it isn’t so! Both DoD and State Dept deny it, but their denials are no longer accepted as gospel simply because a spokesman said so. It was once accepted without debate that the government generally didn’t lie. But today, even the idea of a debate on any subject is challenged as subversive pro-Russian thought.

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    Ever since Joe Biden was installed as president, his lies have been constant and demonstrably provable. In a news conference months ago, Joe publicly stated if the Russians attacked Ukraine, he (Biden) would see to the end of the Nord Stream pipeline. We now know it’s a done deal. When did he lie, before or after the attack? Did Biden order it? Did he light the match of WWIII?

    Realistically, who can accept that Putin, the “mad man,” would sabotage his own vast money source, the Nord Stream underwater gas pipeline to Europe, when our own demented president promised he would do it? Joe said so! That act could be construed as an act of war; if it is, and Putin acts on it, nuclear annihilation is in the offing. We are led by really stupid people who look to chaos as a means to fill their bank accounts with the cash that comes from building and maintaining a vast war machine. It’s no longer a conspiracy to say so, it’s coming to fruition, and people realize it.

    Why are military recruitment numbers down so drastically? Why is our military more “Woke” than lethal?

    So we‘ll lose future conflicts! America is being radically altered as we speak by the Marxist takeover of our government, all protected by a bodyguard of lies. Be assured that any Democrat politician who pleas the need for “equity, diversity, and inclusion” is not our friend.

    When Democrat politicians mandate rules “for our safety” or “for the children,” it s a good bet they have an ulterior motive and wicked intention that’s good only for them. Always follow the money! Democrats survive on the crisis, and some politicians get wealthy at it, which is probably why they are in politics anyhow. 

    The case is building against Anthony Fauci, the NIAID, CDC, and NIH potentate who turned the Covid-19 pandemic into a Progressive scam-turned-training exercise. It was a test run for a future emergency when they hoped we had been sufficiently trained to obey instinctively. Reports indicate that Fauci personally gained 5 million dollars as a result.

    The Marxist-controlled Democrats have perfected the means of control thru fear. Our American education system is indoctrinating our future populations into stupid, drug-addicted zombie-like automatons, uncertain of their gender, their cognitive thinking skills reduced to sustaining government socialism, and their livelihoods dependent on a benevolent welfare government. What are they going to do when Putin’s A-bombs start falling?

    When we see people walking around today, fearful creatures still wearing masks, we know that the Left has succeeded to a point sufficient to assure them that they might just get away with it again. They’ll certainly try!

    The political class live for emergencies. It gives them a reason to promote more freedom-killing rules “for our safety,” and if they don’t get one, they’ll create one. Tricks, scams, and sleight of hand are all tools of an authoritarian government, and we see them unfold daily in Biden’s government. They take advantage of natural disasters too.

    Immediately after hurricane Ian finished its sweep across Florida, leaving death and destruction in its wake, Democrats took a shot at blaming governor DeSantis for ignoring climate change warnings and being a denier, failing to take pre-hurricane precautions. Complete nonsense, and, as always, DeSantis pushed back immediately, and that line of attack ceased.

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