
    by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

    This story was spotted and shared by G.F., and when I saw it, it vaulted immediately into the “finals” folder.

    You may recall a few months ago there was a story about releasing genetically modified mosquitos into the general population, said mosquitos designed to do what mosquitos do. I’m reminded of the observation by C.S. Lewis that a heaven for mosquitos and a hell for men can be conveniently arranged.  Well, you may want to pay closer attention to that bug biting your arm and swat it away immediately, or better, crush it, and call your local exterminator:

    TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

    Now, fortunately, this was only an experiment, but on closer reading, one can… well, I’ll just let you read it and let your imagination do the dot connecting:

    A box full of genetically modified mosquitos successfully vaccinated a human against malaria in a trial funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH).

    The study involved about 200 hungry mosquitos biting a human subject’s arm. Human participants placed their arms directly over a small box full of the bloodsuckers.

    “We use the mosquitoes like they’re 1,000 small flying syringes,” said researcher Dr. Sean Murphy, as reported by NPR.

    Three to five “vaccinations” took place over 30-day intervals.

    The mosquitos gave minor versions of malaria that didn’t make people sick, but gave them antibodies. Efficacy from the antibodies lasted a few months.

    “Half of the individuals in each vaccine group did not develop detectable P. falciparum infection, and a subset of these individuals was subjected to a second CHMI 6 months later and remained partially protected. These results support further development of genetically attenuated sporozoites as potential malaria vaccines,” researchers concluded.

    Carolina Reid was one of twenty-six participants in the study.

    “My whole forearm swelled and blistered. My family was laughing, asking like, ‘why are you subjecting yourself to this?’”

    Reid enjoyed her experience so much that she says she wants to participate in as many vaccine trials as she can. For this research, each participant received $4,100 as an incentive.

    Adverse reactions were what one would expect after getting bit by hundreds of mosquitos and nothing more.

    Dr. Kirsten Lyke calls the research “a total game changer.”

    Lyke led the phase 1 trials for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine and was a co-investigator for Moderna and Novavax COVID vaccines.

    Now notice that one of the perpetrators of this experiment was the National Institute of Health, a pillar of our medical Nemesistem (thank you K.M. for that wonderful pun), and the other perpetrator of the experiment was a doctor connected with the covid injections trials.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Notice that in the background are hovering the Malthusian likes of Baal Gates, the man from Hungary with a melting face, the Hochklaus von Blohschwab, and a whole Hollywood extras cast of S.P.E.C.T.R.E. types who are probably gleefully rubbing their hands together in hopeful prospect of all the population reduction they can bring about from the quackcines and the lowly mosquito.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Read More @ GizaDeathStar.com