by Robert McCarter, Activist Post:
What we now know as “The Great Reset” has been in the works for a while. I first learned of the Great Reset for Canada back in August 2019 when I had a chance dinner conversation with a senior officer in the Canadian military.
While waiting to load up our plates, I asked what he had been doing in Ottawa between stints with NGOs and embassies. He told me that he had been working on an advisory group to the Trudeau government. The agenda was not the development of five-year policies, the usual event horizon for a government, but to extend the vision into the further future, 20 to 40 years out.
He explained, expecting me to agree, that Canada’s present economic model was seriously flawed and had to be replaced. I bit my tongue. He continued, people expected too much, unregulated consumerism was unsustainable and Canadians would have to learn to make do with less. The government would have to take more control over people’s lives and enforce an austere lifestyle. The present high economic expectations are the enemy and we would have to have a strong global government that would redistribute the wealth to poorer nations. Fossil fuels would be phased out on an accelerated timetable and air travel would be limited to need.
Too flabbergasted to hold my tongue I said that I believed in progress through more gradual changes and that the sudden imposition of a frugal existence would cause a revolution. He smiled, nodded and agreed. I read this as ‘Bring it on!’–a response that was a modern-day version of “Just watch me!” I continued, saying he was advocating an experiment in socialism that could be extremely dangerous and could kill thousands of people. Suddenly he seemed to realize that I wasn’t the kind of intellectual he thought and turned back to his food.
I took this encounter seriously and I had to wonder why a senior military officer was attending clandestine meetings discussing strategies for decomposing and restructuring the Canadian economy. A plan that seemed to have leapt from the pages of the Leap Manifesto, Naomi Klein’s Marxist blueprint, using the irrational fears of “Climate Change” to leverage an austere lifestyle onto over-consumptive Canadians.
In case the phrase “conspiracy theory” has just entered your mind, all this aligns nicely with a very troubling and prescient online piece I had published back in 2019 with little effect. You should note that many of the plans the senior officer mentioned have come to pass: air travel is foundering, fossil fuels are under attack, economic expectations are plummeting, the government is becoming more autocratic, and wealth is being redistributed.
A year later on October 10, 2020, there was another leak of information from this covert cabal, one that gave it a name, the Strategic Planning Committee, a committee steered by the PMO.
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The whistleblower claimed to be “a member within the Liberal Party of Canada” and despite being “not happy doing this” gave his motivation as a “better future not only for my children but for other children as well.” This leak was quickly discredited largely because it was anonymous and there was no other supporting evidence.
The letter, however, seemed to support my earlier dinner conversation, but now with a COVID twist. Handily, the declared health emergency allowed the economic reset timeline to be accelerated from decades to months.
In 2020, before the vaccine was developed and while there was only one Covid strain, the alleged timeline of the Strategic Planning Committee included:
– more rolling lockdowns
– construction of isolation facilities