The Biden Cabal Will Scurry Away Like Cowardly RATS With Their Tails Between Their Legs To Their Bunkers Before Triggering Nuclear Armageddon In Their Rush To Depopulate The Planet


    by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

    With the sabotage and destruction of the Nord Stream Gas Pipelines moving the world closer to World War 3 this week as the globalists seemingly seek out nuclear annihilation for the planet, no other way in their minds to hit Deagel’s 2025 global depopulation numbers for America with people now rejecting their deadly vaxxes ‘en masse,’ we’ve got to take a look back before we look forward in order to get a better look at just WHO is the ‘most likely suspect‘ in this sabotage that could lead to nuclear war.

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    While the big question of the week as pointed out in this Daily Mail story was ‘Who DID blow up the Nord Stream gas pipelines – Russia… or America?,’ as the top-voted comment on the story pointed out, Everyone knows the USA did this. Other “leaders” went along with it. I wish they would stop thinking we are all so stupid” while another top-voted comment pointed out the obvious, WHY WOULD Vladimir Putin BLOW UP a PIPELINE that they ALREADY OWNED the OFF SWITCH to?

    “Russia already OWNED the OFF switch, and did not NEED to destroy their OWN pipeline! FFS. President Biden earlier said he would END Nord Stream, if Putin Attacked Ukraine. This looks like Joe Biden told the truth, for once.”

    With the mainstream media and politicians here in the USA even suggesting that Putin blew up his own pipeline that he could have much more easily have just TURNED OFF the absolute EPITOME of how DUMBED DOWN they think that Americans are, (and the fact that so many Americans actually believe their lies showing how many ARE so dumbed down!), even the Washington Post reported back in February of 2022 that Biden vowed to STOP a Nord Stream 2 Pipeline if Russia invaded Ukraine, and we all know now how that’s turned out.

    So before we continue this story with a deeper look at the globalists march towards global nuclear annihilation, let’s take a listen to Joe Biden in the video directly below from February of this year in which he told the world of what was to come to the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline if Russia invaded Ukraine.

    On Friday morning, Steve Quayle linked on his website to this story from March 9th of 2021 at the website Online Columnist titled simply “NORD STREAM 2 SABOTAGE COULD LEAD TO WAR” which warned within it that any disruption of the then-94% completed pipeline would be taken as an act of war by Vladimir Putin and Russia, with Steve leaving an SQnote while linking to that story.:


    Arguably the closest the world has been to a full-scale nuclear war in our lifetimes, as Michael Snyder warns in this new story over at the Economic Collapse Blog, this seemingly endless cycle of ‘retaliation‘ now going on between the US/NATO and Russia will ultimately lead to nuclear war.:

    The United States and Russia both keep raising the stakes, and if we keep repeating this cycle it will end with a nuclear war that could ultimately result in billions of deaths. Unfortunately, leaders on both sides do not seem interested in peace at this point. 

    The votes that Russia just conducted in four disputed territories were inevitably going to raise tensions even higher. Of course the western powers have been greatly escalating matters themselves. Over the past couple of months, NATO has gotten far more deeply involved in the conflict in Ukraine, and now the war is starting to spread beyond Ukrainian borders.

    With the destruction of the Nord Stream Pipelines clearly a part of that ‘war‘ Snyder speaks of and that sabotage happening at a time when Vladimir Putin is increasingly talking of using nukes in Ukraine while the Biden cabal warns Putin of unimaginable consequences for doing so, this dance of madness we’re now witnessing on both sides of the aisle will only have quite imaginable consequences for billions of people as in nuclear war, there will be no ‘winners‘ when it comes to ‘humanity‘.

    Yet as Zero Hedge points out in this new story titled “Globalists Are Marching Us Relentlessly Toward Nuclear Armageddon Warns Former Senator,” according to a retired US Marine Colonel who was also a Virginia state Senator, two huge new developments are moving us closer to nuclear war. From that story.:

    Fears of nuclear war are increasing across the West as Russia mobilizes hundreds of thousands of troops and declares annexation of parts of Ukraine. Meanwhile, President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that Ukraine is applying for membership in NATO. These two developments could be the most significant escalation since the war’s start. 

    Today’s developments are a sobering reminder that nuclear war threats are mounting. Retired Virginia State Senator and retired Marine Col. Richard Black addressed members of the US Congress in an open letter on Tuesday about “globalists are marching us relentlessly toward this nuclear Armageddon.” 

    Black pointed out: 

    There would have been no war had we not overthrown the democratically-elected government of Ukraine by violently ousting President Yanukovych in 2014. We promoted war by flooding Ukraine with massive arms shipments afterwards. 

    The former senator said, “the US could have achieved peace by simply pressing Ukraine to implement the 2014 Minsk Peace Agreements which it had signed, establishing a clear framework for settling outstanding issues peacefully. Ukraine promised to implement the Minsk agreements, but chose instead to make war on the Donbass for the next seven years.” 

    He said NATO could’ve sought peace but chose war instead. 

    NATO had ample opportunity for peace but deliberately chose war. The US realized that, with Russia’s back to the wall, it would have no choice to but to attack. In 2007, US Ambassador to Russia William Burns pointedly warned that movement toward absorbing Ukraine into NATO might well trigger war between Ukraine and Russia. Nonetheless, the Obama administration overthrew the Ukrainian president and flooded in weapons, knowing that doing so would trigger war. 

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