There is raw evil in the top levels of power in the USA, using federal agencies to terrify America’s best citizens


    by Steve Jalsevac, LifeSite News:

    We don’t just need government agents with a conscience to not obey these unjust orders: we need them to actively help us save the United States from those who are obviously committed to destroying it from within.

    Yesterday we sent out a Red Alert email indicating the now serious need for a large increase in donations to our Fall Campaign that ends next Friday. That is the time left to reach the minimum goal of $500,000. Also be sure to view the brief video of John-Henry Westen explaining why we do these quarterly campaigns and need these funds and more that I am sure you will find enlightening.



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    The response so far today has been very encouraging. A giant thanks goes out from the LifeSite team to all who responded so well. Although we are far from even half-way to the goal yet, according to past donation patterns it is starting to look like the goal can still be reached. Whew! But, today’s donation momentum needs to continue for another 7 days.

    Now it is the turn of those who have not yet donated. Please join with the others by making an online gift via

    Donations can also be made via mail, by phone, and in the USA, we offer direct bank deposits. For those who have not donated before, US donations are tax deductible since we are a U.S.-registered 501 (c)(3) organization.

    The first news item I must mention is the horribly wrong SWAT team raid by 25 to 30 FBI agents who arrived in 15 vehicles, with guns drawn, and swarmed the home of a known Catholic pro-life speaker and his young family at around 7:05 a.m. Friday morning. This is one of the more abusive and ridiculous of these FBI SWAT raids that have been increasing during the past several months. All those agents should feel like absolute fools for having done this to that family.

    Ryan-Marie Houck told us today that her husband Mark Houck, who was the target of the massive raid, is the founder and president of The King’s Men, which promotes healing for victims of pornography addiction and promotes Christian virtues among men in the United States and Europe. Huh? All that thunder and scary power assembled early this morning to arrest a good, Christian family man resulting in all their children being terrified and screaming and now needing counseling?

    Dear friends, this is the latest sign that there is raw evil in the highest levels of power in the United States, abusing and exploiting all the federal agencies to terrify America’s best citizens who happen to simply disagree with Democrat government policies. This cannot be allowed to continue.

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