from State Of The Nation:

(When “troubles come in threes”.)

No matter what you read below, or how you interpret it or react to it, always remember, it’s all GOOD, GOOD, GOOD.

This Thursday we have Purim. Then on Thursday/Friday, we have the Blood Worm Moon & Total Lunar Eclipse. On Saturday, we have The Ides of March. It is an ancient superstition that trouble comes in threes. Now… I am not a superstitious person, BUT… a substantial portion of The World is, and whatever The Hive Mind has percolating… generally precipitates. I could provide a lengthy dissertation on all the implications that could be drawn from this fantasy wrapped in the possibilities of fearful outcomes, BUT… I’m not going to. I’m just tossing it out there.[1]

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*Purim is a Jewish holiday celebrated on the evening of Thursday, Mar. 13, 2025 thru Friday, Mar. 14, 2025 marking the deliverance of the Jews from a royal death decree.  Because it always occurs during the springtime, Spring fever is pervasive and contagious and “things can go totally wild” throughout Jewish communities the world over.  See: Why Do Jews Go Berserk on Purim?

*Blood Worm Moon: This total lunar eclipse on March 13the and 14th — the first in three years — will feature a “blood worm moon,” so named for the reddish hue of its glow and the time of year it’s occurring.  The total lunar eclipse will be visible in every U.S. state [and is considered an astrologically inauspicious event, so don’t watch it]

*The Ides of March in 44 BC became notorious as the date of the brutal assassination of Julius Caesar, which made that March 15th on the Gregorian calendar a turning point in Roman history.  William Shakespeare’s famous phrase “Beware the Ides of March” was forever dramatized after Caesar was warned by a soothsayer about that fateful date.

Be aware that these 3 synchronicities, although apparently presenting on the negative side, taken together serve as a very unique window of opportunity — FOR EVERYONE — to face the music, hear some bad news that has been suppressed, and/or confront the most weighty issues that American society will ever confront.

With that said, the distinctive timing of these three kariotic events in such rapid succession clearly indicates that the dam is about to break—BIG TIME!  And, that when the most stunning truths break out into the open, the necessary catharsis can take place especially throughout the long-lost American Republic.

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