United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – We Need to Be Extremely Concerned


by Paul A. Philips, Activist Post:

When it comes to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) most people have no idea what this means. That beggars belief when considering the potentially dire consequences for we-the-people in our everyday lives if these goals are achieved.

Under the guidance of the UN’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs these 17 SDG’s, to be achieved by 2030, look quite uplifting for humanity. For examples, who wouldn’t want to have a world without hunger, no poverty, have food security and global health, reduced inequalities, affordable and clean energy…

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However, it’s all a perception deception: When you scratch below the surface, read the small print, it reveals deeply disturbing hidden ulterior motives diametrically opposing the so-called intentions related to their SDG’s. For instance, goal number one is “No Poverty,” but the overseers have no respect and don’t care about we-the-people. Therefore, they have no intentions of ending poverty. It’s no surprise that poverty has become an increasingly complex problem.


-Indeed, we need to be extremely concerned. Our concernment must lie mainly in the way the UN want’s to forcibly achieve these goals with their underpinnings.

Essentially, it’s an uncompromising agenda (Agenda 2030) for total global domination, in cahoots with the equally deceitful WEF (World Economic Forum); one world government, Great Reset, Davos…

The UN’s policies heavily impact and influence western world governments. Take, for instance, the United States government who had signed an agreement making themselves for most part legally obligated to follow UN policies.

-Yet another example of a government betrayal, not having the people’s best interests at heart, I digress. -People, pay attention. Wake up!

Acting under the guise of “we are here to save you” the UN comprises a number of highly untrustworthy power broker unelected oligarch bureaucrats looking to enrich themselves, while wanting to control every aspect of our lives. This will happen if we go along with their notorious “sustainable goals.”

-It’s time to face up to this harsh reality: We should not involve ourselves in anything that’s inciting, but resistance is key. Attempts to indoctrinate, coerce or even mandate us must be wholly resisted.

In relation to these SDG’s tied into Agenda 2030 (and Net Zero by 2045) there are a number of major threats that threaten the very nature of our existence and freedoms. 

-For examples, traditional farms and other smaller food self-sufficiency operations are getting systematically destroyed. These time-honored traditions with their methodologies and interdependent bona fide communities are being replaced by government and corporate based interventions.

The overseers, cunningly intervening, do this by using the climate change false flag as an excuse to demonize the farmers, falsely accusing them of contributing to ‘global warming’ through increased carbon output…

BioTech, Big Pharma and Big Agri lead the way in the corporatization of the food chain with their genetic modifications, toxic agrochemicals, nutrient-depleted soil lacking in biodiversity, all contributing to food produce that no longer has the nutrition value that historically had been provided by traditional farming.

Consider this monocultural mass production environment in relation to its unhealthy effects on our bodies as consumers. For more on this, what you can do for food freedom, take a look at this excellent article. 

Then there’s the push to get us to consume lab-based fake meat, replacing traditional  farm-based produce. Big money has been thrown into the development of lab-grown fake meat, such as, for example, the mega-bucks from Bill Gates as funding. All done under the guise of “saving the world.”

However, fake meat products have been criticized for their unhealthiness. 

-In light of this and considering the rest of the toxic crap they want us to consume, how much more can our bodies take before breaking down? And they claim that they want “good health and well-being” (goal number three)??

A number of us well familiar with the transhumanist agenda, having expressed deep concerns as it ties into UN Agenda 2030 and technocratic control, the internet of bodies and the related tyranny. Encroaching mass surveillance, a cashless society… etc.

They want to change our bodies, but what many people don’t realize however, is that transhumanism is only the half-way stage: A transition from half-human to half-robot. There are plans to fully transition us into becoming totally robotically controlled by AI.

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