United Nations Judge Found Guilty of Slavery


from Moonbattery:

Slavery was prevalent throughout human history until whites almost entirely put an end to it, with major credit going to the British Navy when it dominated the world. Americans lost well over 600,000 lives in a war fought largely to end slavery. Yet even now it persists in some dark corners of the world — like the United Nations:

A United Nations judge has been convicted of forcing a young woman to work as a slave. Lydia Mugambe, 49, took advantage of her status over her victim by preventing her from holding down steady employment and forcing her to work as her maid and to provide free childcare, prosecutors said.

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Mugambe, who is also a High Court judge in Uganda, was found guilty on Thursday of conspiring to facilitate the commission of a breach of UK immigration law, facilitating travel with a view to exploitation, forcing someone to work, and conspiracy to intimidate a witness following a trial at Oxford Crown Court.

No worries. Slavery is only wrong when white people do it. That’s why you hear so little about the essential role Africans served in supplying the slave trade by recruiting the slaves, about the blacks who owned slaves in the USA, or about how Thomas Jefferson went to war to stop Arabs from enslaving Americans, as immortalized in the line, “to the shores of Tripoli” in the Marines’ Hymn.

The MSM will only highlight a story like this if the perpetrator has the proper skin color. If liberals objected to slavery per se, they wouldn’t assist Democrats in enslaving the American population to invading hordes of illegal immigrants via the welfare state.

Meanwhile, Mugambe will probably continue to be listed as a fellow in the human rights program at ultraleft Columbia University.

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