by Karen Schoen, America Outloud:
Have you ever considered how many people in our government lie to us, and nobody is accountable? Have you ever thought that the media lies on a continual basis, carrying the very same message that the government dictates, and nobody is accountable?
Well, this past week, I happened to be listening to Glenn Beck, and he reminded me of an article I wrote in 2012. This article revolved around the Smith Mundt Modernization Act signed by Obama. The Act said the government had the right to propaganda lies and use the same tactics that they used overseas on foreigners on the American people. What did that mean? Let’s take a look.
The original Smith Mundt Act allowed the American government to lie to destabilize foreign countries and “spread democracy.” This act was considered so egregious that it could never be used against the American people.
Enter Barack Obama.
It is no secret that Obama was a Marxist with a prime goal of transforming Western culture into a Marxist culture. His Marxist friends groomed him to become the Marxist leader for the Progressives. He learned all of the tools of propaganda, as laid out by Edward Bernays. He became a community organizer and developed a huge following. Because Obama was such a great speaker, he was chosen over Hillary to become the Democratic candidate for President.
Being a great speaker and communicator is very important if you are to become President. You must be able to relay your message clearly and concisely. You must be able to persuade your audience to trust and respect you. Once accomplished, the audience will follow your ideas. Unfortunately, when it comes to the horrors of communism, aka cultural Marxism, to prove your point, you must lie.
Now, let’s connect a few dots about lying. Lying is a behavior now acceptable throughout government and business. But where does acceptance of lying become acceptable?
In school. Common Core Standards (CCS) education is called for in UN Agenda 21 Chapter 25. In order to get the race to the top grant, the district had to accept CCS. These CCS Federal curricula promoted one-size-fits-all training, now called education, designed to benefit the businesses favored by the government. Today, school programs focus on training to work, whereby human capital is tracked early on and selected for specific government-favored jobs in the future. This outcome-based education OBE breeds lying. In OBE, the answer is known in the beginning, so the method and procedure created to fit the outcome is often tainted – made up – lies so that, in the end, the answer will come out as described. Facts are no longer relevant. So, if we have been teaching our human capital to lie in school, why are we surprised they grow up to be liars?
The CCS training itself is made up of lies using anti-American, anti-family, and anti-God, focusing on the bad, not the good. The purpose of this training is to create a world citizen with allegiance to no nation, only to a government or business that is in charge of the region in which they live. This NWO, with its unaccountable NGOs, will regulate Americans with more lies.
Where do the lies come from? While the idea of CCS is bad, the real problem is the content of the materials the human capital read. Do you ever check what your family reads? Too many of us do not pay attention. Therefore, the content of many school materials is considered proprietary, so DOE does not monitor content. UN-sanctioned EU socialists write IB content and are Muslim-biased.
I believe that the Muslims (Saudis) own shares of many textbook/software companies. Below are a few of the lies promoted in school instilled in your human capital at their government school:
- Communism is held in the most favorable light while the true history of communism is ignored.
- Capitalism is touted as selfish while the facts and history are ignored.
- Human capital learns in clusters and is only as good as their group, while individualism is shunned.
- Cursive is out – eliminates individualism and the ability to read many of our founding documents.
- American history is taught from 1865 – the reconstruction or progressive era.
- The National database collecting about 400 data fields of an intrusive database has no cost attached.
Basically, CCS is an unconstitutional, unproven fad that will benefit the providers (Gates, Bush, Kipp, Broad, Pearson, Achieve, Ignite) and businesses that no longer need to “train” their workers as the responsibility of worker training is shifted from the business to we the taxpayer.
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