by Stucky, The Burning Platform:
The popular or official claim is that the kill shot blew out the back of the President’s head. That is not true.
The fatal shot came from behind Kennedy, but was not fired by Oswald. The angle of the bullet that blew out the front right temple of Kennedy could not have come from Oswald’s perch in the Texas School Depository.
Here is the picture from the autopsy of Kennedy’s head wound. You can clearly see that the flap of skull and skin is opened like a car door on the right side of a passenger vehicle. That was the exit wound, not an entrance wound.
Here is a high-resolution copy of the Zapruder film. I have slowed it down to .25 seconds. Watch carefully and you will see Kennedy’s head move forward slightly when he is struck with the fatal shot and then, as a result of the blood and brain matter spraying out, it moves his head violently backwards.
(Stucky Note: Go to to see the video. It’s YouTube age restricted. Can’t get it to post here.)
Here are the still photos of this shooting sequence:

In the next frame you can see the pink mist of blood starting to spray forward:

In the next frame you can see more blood spraying forward as his head continues to move forward:

The next frame shows his head starting to move backwards. The blood and brain matter spilling from his head creates a jet propulsion that propels his head backwards:

The subsequent frame shows the violent movement of the head to the rear and you can see the flap of skin/bone from his right temple protruding forward:

The last frame — remember, these five frames cover one-second in terms of time — shows the President’s head starting to recoil against the back of his seat
There was another shooter. If the bullet that hit Kennedy in the head was a full-metal-jacket round, then, by virtue of the angle from Oswald’s perch, it should have hit Governor Connally, who was seated in front of Kennedy.
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