The Grotesque Bird Flu Scam and How Colds or Flus Should Be Treated


by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

Story at-a-glance
  • A massive industry exists to prevent pandemics, but despite receiving billions each year, it routinely fails to prevent pandemics or provide viable ways to address those which emerge
  • This industry rests upon the lie that viral diseases cannot be treated, when in reality there are many effective, over-the-counter and unpatentable treatments for viral illnesses


  • The industry engages in cruel and unnecessary animal experimentation, which wastes billions each year and repeatedly creates the pandemics it is supposed to prevent due to how frequently lab leaks occur
  • The “war against bird flu” highlights key issues within the pandemic prevention industry, where billions have now been spent killing over 100 million birds, yet all that has accomplished is raising egg prices
  • This article explores how many forgotten therapies can treat both severe viral illnesses and rapidly address common conditions like colds and flus

Almost every year, it seems a pandemic is hyped up. I would argue that’s because:

They give federal agencies (e.g., the CDC) a way to justify their necessity and get Congressional funding.

The media thrives off of hooking the public through fear and appeasing its sponsors (e.g., the pharmaceutical industry).

It sustains a biodefense industry that uses fear to get a lot of money (e.g., 27.7 billion dollars in 20231) to “prevent” pandemics.

Tackling many of the real health issues facing our country requires confronting the vested interests responsible for them and addressing the underlying causes of chronic illnesses in the country. In contrast, going to war against a disease is far easier and receives minimal pushback but allows the government to present the facade of safeguarding our health.

As such, we will frequently see a myriad of dubious pandemic preventatives be pushed on us2 (e.g., the mass slaughter of livestock, the newest “emergency” vaccine, or ineffective and unsafe antivirals like Tamiflu). However despite the pandemic failing to materialize or the preventatives failing to work, no one remembers, and before long the cycle begins anew.


In a previous article, I discussed how the biodefense industry regularly cultivates bioweapons in labs to “protect” us from them. Before COVID-19, this industry had been under great scrutiny as many within the scientific community were worried its risky actions could lead to a catastrophic lab leak.

However, once SARS-CoV-2 leaked, the entire scientific establishment chose to double down on this research and label any insinuation lab leaks could occur “a conspiracy theory” or “a danger to science.”

Note: This characterizes Peter Hotez, who in 2012 secured a 6.1 million grant3 from the NIH to develop a SARS vaccine with the stated aim of responding to any “accidental release from a laboratory,”4 some of which was then used to fund gain-of-function research conducted by the leader of the Wuhan lab in 2017,5 but after people became aware of the 2019 lab leak, Hotez switched to denying lab leaks and attacking those who discussed them.

These leaks are alarmingly common and remarkably, the industry has not addressed it, as its funding is contingent on a threat continuing to exist (rather than it being eliminated). Furthermore, many of these lab leaks are quite consequential such as:

In 1950, the U.S. Navy covertly sprayed “harmless” bacteria in the San Francisco Bay Area, causing infections and fatalities. Those bacteria then became endemic in the area.6

The Cambridge Working Group estimated in 2014 that dangerous lab leaks occur, on average, twice each week in the U.S. alone, and by 2018 this number had risen to an average of four times per week.7

Numerous fatal lab leaks involving smallpox and anthrax occurred in the U.S., U.K., and Soviet Union.8

Lyme disease emerging next to a U.S. government facility that was weaponizing the same bacteria.9

The 1977 H1N1 influenza pandemic being traced back to a lab leak.10

The 2001 Anthrax attacks in the U.S. being linked to a weaponized strain found only in bioweapons labs.11

Numerous SARS lab leaks occurring since 2002,12 some of which led to broader outbreaks (and hence why Hotez applied for his vaccine grant).

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) actually emerging from chimpanzee research activities.13

Numerous disastrous veterinary pandemics having emerged from leaks.14

Significant evidence suggests the current bird flu pandemic originated from a USDA lab leak.

pandemics - 20th 21st century

Note: A more detailed list of consequential lab leaks can be found here.


One of the major sources of extreme and unnecessary animal cruelty is the animal research industry, which sacrifices over 100 million animals each year,15 frequently in horrific ways that have no scientific value whatsoever.

Vivisection (first used in 1707) describes the practice of cutting open animals with a central nervous system and has been integral to biomedical science. Since this was quite cruel, divided opinions emerged.

One school believed medical science must be objective, rational, and dispassionate so it was unethical to be squeamish or sentimental about hurting conscious animals if that “advanced medical science,” while the other believed there was no ethical justification for knowledge gained from vivisection — highlighting the divide in medicine between doctors being technicians who inflicted “necessary treatments on patients” regardless of the suffering it caused and doctors being compassionate healers who made an effort to connect with their patients and their values.

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