Nanotechnology terrifies me and it should terrify you too


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Dr. Vernon Coleman shares an extract from his new book. The extract discusses nanotechnology and the Internet of Nano-Things.

By Dr. Vernon Coleman

The following essay is taken from my new book `The End of Medicine’.

There is one area of medicine which terrifies me more than anything else: nanotechnology. And nanotechnology, one of the keystones of technocracy, should appal any thinking person. The world would be a safer, healthier place if everyone involved in promoting nanotechnology were taken outside and shot.

You will, of course, have heard of the “Internet of Things” – the way that untrustworthy computer maniacs can connect your doorbell, your central heating system, your car, your fridge and everything else you own with your smartphone. (I hope you don’t have one.)


All that is bad enough but I have on my desk a mass of papers about the way nanotechnology can be used to control and tamper with the human body – including the use of nanotechnology to interfere with neural circuits in the brain. Reading these papers made me physically ill. I dislike rats and snakes but I’d rather be staring at a scurrying, slithering mass of rats and snakes than reading about this stuff.

Here is an advertisement I found that promotes a podcast.

“Can you imagine your body’s cells connected to the internet? What about not only measuring your health but literally taking control of it? In this episode of Tech 2030, a 6GWorld podcast, the host Renuka Racha and Professor Josep Jornet from the Northeastern University talk about the Internet of Nano-Things, sensing, and how connectivity will enhance our lives at the cellular level.”

[See: Podcast – How the Internet of Nano-Things Will Enhance Our Bodies, 6GWorld, 31 May 2021]

The bit that made me go cold was this: “How connectivity will enhance our lives at the cellular level.”

Note, the advert doesn’t say “How connectivity may enhance our lives at the cellular level” or “How connectivity could enhance our lives at the cellular level” or “How connectivity might damage our lives at the cellular level.”

It is the word “will” which terrifies me. It’s the bloodless assumption that this crap is going to make my life better which makes my blood go cold.

Another paper, in the journal Sensors, contains this: “All components in the smart home environment have a nano-transceiver that allows them to be permanently linked to the internet. A tenant can easily keep track of the status of components in the home through this continuous Internet connectivity. On the other hand, in the context of an intra-body network, nano-machines are deployed inside the human body and remotely controlled at the macro-scale over the Internet by relevant experts such as medical staff or healthcare service providers.”

The authors go on to say: “In general, in the healthcare context, medical nano-devices can be deployed inside the human body or external environment and can also be used as wearable garments.”

And they add: “… the size of the worldwide IoNT market is projected to reach USD 46.09 billion in 2028 … the primary drivers of the revenue growth of the worldwide IoNT market are increased government funding for the progress of nanotechnology, the growing incidence of numerous dangerous illnesses and rising investment from the private sector.”

[See: Alabdulatif, A.; Thilakarathne, N.N.; Lawal, Z.K.; Fahim, K.E.; Zakari, R.Y. Internet of Nano-Things (IoNT): A Comprehensive Review from Architecture to Security and Privacy ChallengesSensors 2023, 23, 2807.]

The aim, it seems to me, is to bio-hack our bodies and minds and turn us into slaves. That is not an exaggeration.

The use of technology will mean handing over our bodies (including our minds) to healthcare providers (which will include governments and drug companies) and giving them authority over our very cells. And it is the arrogant certainty of these people which is so frightening. I am appalled by their utter self-belief and the absence of any possibility in their minds of the possibility that what they are doing is so far beyond evil that there is no suitable word in the English dictionary.

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