from Daily Mail:
Donald Trump‘s release of the remaining JFK assassination files could contain 15 huge revelations, including a private letter Jackie Kennedy wrote to President Lyndon Johnson after her husband’s death and missing ‘conspiracy’ footage.
On the President’s orders, all remaining 80,000 pages of the secret JFK assassination files were publicly released on Tuesday evening.
Trump himself has described the massive trove as ‘interesting’ but the lengthy nature of the release means that, until it has all been properly digested, we have been left on tenterhooks.
Missing footage
The new files could include a missing original home movie of the assassination taken by bystander Orville Nix on November 22, 1963, according to the JFK Facts newsletter by leading expert on the assassination Jefferson Morley.
Dallas maintenance worker Orville Nix sold the film which he shot from Dealey Plaza to the UPI news agency on December 6, 1963, with the understanding that the footage, delivered to the FBI five days earlier, would be returned to his family after 25 years. But the film, which was initially obtained by the Warren Commission and subpoenaed 15 years later by the House Select Committee on Assassinations, was never returned.
According to Nix’s granddaughter Gayle Jackson, the film shows the infamous grassy knoll from which many believe a second shooter may have operated, as well as Abraham Zapuder who shot his own 26 second 8mm footage of the assassination from across the street.
Officials at the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza claim that Zapruder’s film has greater historical value because it shows the entirety of the shooting, as opposed to Nix’s and two others that capture only part of it, but many believe the missing footage could actually reveal more.
Jackie’s letters to LBJ
Five ‘very personal letters of Mrs. Kennedy’ to President Lyndon Johnson are believed to be among the soon-to-be released files. The first lady always maintained that she did not believe the official conclusion that her husband was targeted by a lone gunman. The letters, written in 1963, could offer the first real glimpse into Jackie Kennedy’s understanding of the assassination.
The new JFK assassination files could include the home video shot by bystander Oliver Nix, according to expert Jefferson Morley.

The documents could also in include five ‘very personal letters of Mrs. Kennedy’ to president Lyndon Johnson written in 1963