France Orders Citizens to Stockpile Food: “World War 3 Is Coming This Year”


by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

France’s government has issued an emergency directive, ordering citizens to hoard food and brace for World War 3 by year’s end, as outlined in a stark 20-page survival guide packed with tips for facing terror attacks, pandemics, cyber threats, and even nuclear fallout.

Meanwhile, the U.S. has spent over a decade sneering at preppers, branding them terrorists and selfish hoarders—ironic now that France is sounding the alarm. Back in 2012, a National Guard whistleblower warned that “doomsday preppers will be treated as terrorists,” while one prepper found himself marooned in Hawaii after landing on a no-fly list that same year.

TRUTH LIVES on at reports: “The survival manual aims to encourage citizens to develop their resilience in the face of different crises,” a spokesperson for French Prime Minister François Bayrou told CNN.

It is likely that the push to ‘radicalize‘ French citizens as preppers has to do with French President Emmanuel Macron’s recently nuclear weapon fetishization speech.

If the prime minister approves the 20-pages of prepper paraphernalia, it will be unleashed on every household in France before summer and will direct citizens to be in possession of a so-called ‘survival kit’.

The literature promotes the supposedly terroristic practices of possessing emergency supplies, including six liters of water, a dozen cans of food, a flashlight and batteries in case the power grid goes down. It even alleges preppers should be in possession of basic medical supplies.

The booklet also recommends that the French prepper should have first responder emergency contacts at hand, know relevant radio channels and even directs people to keep all windows and doors shut in the case of a nuclear accident.

While the booklet would be available when the grid goes down (to keep with the off-grid prepper mentality) a French government website that went live in 2022 provides the internet-connected preppers advice on how to be ready for emergencies.

Sweden and Finland have issued similar prepper paraphernalia in the past in attempts to have their citizens ready for disasters, a controversial practice as prepared citizens may be less reliant on government for their every need.

On October 25, 2012 Alex Jones spoke with Soldier X, a National Guard whistleblower, regarding a chilling warning by the National Guard that “doomsday preppers will be treated as terrorists.”

Then on October 28, 2012 Jones spoke with Stewart Rhodes, founder and president of Oath Keepers, to discuss the government’s emerging war on ‘preppers,’ as evidenced by recent news of a prepper being placed on the no-fly list.

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