by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:
My old office in Gaza is a pile of rubble. The streets around it, where I went for a coffee, ordered maftool or manakish, had a haircut, are flattened. Friends and colleagues are dead, or more often have vanished, last heard from weeks or months ago, no doubt buried somewhere under the broken slabs of concrete. The uncounted dead. In the tens perhaps hundreds of thousands.
Gaza is a wasteland of 50 million tons of rubble and debris. Rats and dogs scavenge amid the ruins and fetid pools of raw sewage. The putrid stench and contamination of decaying corpses rises from beneath the mountains of shattered concrete. There is no clean water. Little food. A severe shortage of medical services and hardly any habitable shelters. Palestinians risk death from unexploded ordnance, left behind after over 15 months of air strikes, artillery barrages, missile strikes and blasts from tank shells, and a variety of toxic substances, including pools of raw sewage and asbestos.
and one of the many apt reader-comments was:
Thanks for this very moral piece. It amazes me that Gaza is not the only thing talked about in the news and on the street.
Israel’s cruelty, a longstanding property, is not surprising. Our partnership with them is. We can thank the billionaires’ ownership of our politicians and media for that. We are now very clearly a vassal state of our great friend , dearest ally and the only democracy in the middle east.
Short of a revolution I don’t see how this changes.
I agree with that, but go even further: America needs to vigorously oppose Israel (our largest-by-far, at $337B, foreign-aid recipient), because Israel is our nation’s most dangerous and evil enemy, and has done incalculable harm to the American people and to the reputation of the American nation — not ONLY harms to its own neighbors.
Concerning what “ChesterView” said, “We can thank the billionaires’ ownership of our politicians and media for that”: on March 18th, Eli Clifton headlined at “Responsible Statecraft”, “The Israeli-American Trump mega-donor behind speech crackdowns: Miriam Adelson is more than a funder of the Maccabee Task Force, she’s also its president”. The Republican Miriam Adelson, a citizen of both Israel and America, and leading donor to both Trump and Netanyahu, was Trump’s 2024 third-largest donor at $106 million but was his top 2020 donor at $90,016,000 (Las Vegas Sands & The Adelson Clinic (against narcotics-addiction) — she wants people to be addicted to gambling instead of to narcotics). (However, in 2016, Trump’s top political donor, at only $15,511,600, had been the Democratic Party mathematician James H. Simon’s Renaissance Technologies hedge fund.) Her “Maccabee Task Force” “FIGHTING ISRAEL HATE ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES” equates all opposition to Israel as being “anti-Semitism,” and despises America’s First Amendment’s free-speech and free-press clauses, so that whatever she calls “anti-Semitism” (such as protesting against Israel’s and America’s ethnic-cleansing of Gaza) must be prosecuted in the U.S. and everywhere — there must be no condemnation of Israel or of its policies, regardless of what the U.S. Constitution says.
So, Eli Clifton reported:
The Trump administration’s effort to deport a Columbia University graduate student, Mahmoud Khalil, in retaliation for Khalil’s role in campus protests opposing Israel’s war in Gaza, showed the lengths the White House is prepared to go to police speech about Israel.
The administration’s unprecedented decision to seek the deportation of a U.S. permanent resident without bringing any criminal charges has an overlooked ally, however: the largest financier of Trump’s three presidential campaigns, Israeli-American billionaire Miriam Adelson.
Adelson’s support for the administration’s campaign to stifle criticism of Israel on college campuses isn’t a new focus but her alignment with the levers of state powers to implement her vision are unprecedented. In fact, tax documents reveal that she is directly overseeing a social media campaign targeting Khalil and Columbia University. …
Trump’s decision to target Khalil wades into murky waters. His attempt to deport a U.S. permanent resident for protesting Israel’s war in Gaza is polarizing and raises questions about why the president is so determined to protect the largest recipient of U.S. foreign assistance — a recipient of U.S. tax dollars proven exempt from Trump’s blitz against foreign aid — from criticism on college campuses. But one doesn’t have to look far to see he has an ally in this fight.
While Maccabee Task Force’s website makes no mention of Miriam Adelson, the group’s most recent IRS filing reveals she is far more than just its major funder. The Israeli-American billionaire is also MTF’s president. And under her leadership the group — with its sizable social media presence, particularly on Facebook where it has over 317,000 followers — came out swinging against Khalil and Columbia University with vitriolic and profane attacks.