from RAIR Foundation:
Bigtree’s Accomplishments and Legal Victories
Bigtree began his testimony by outlining his credentials, including his work as the founder and host of The HighWire, a highly influential media platform focused on vaccine safety and medical freedom. He also produced the controversial documentary Vaxxed, which was famously banned but nevertheless gained widespread viewership.
He highlighted his role as CEO of the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN). This organization has spearheaded numerous Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits against U.S. health agencies such as the CDC, FDA, and NIH. Through these legal battles, ICAN forced the release of key documents—including the Pfizer and Moderna trial data, and the CDC’s V-Safe data—which revealed early signs of severe vaccine injuries, such as myocarditis, pericarditis, and blood clotting disorders.
One of the most damning revelations from these legal efforts was that Peter Marks, a senior official at the CDC, publicly assured Americans that the mRNA vaccines were safe for pregnant women—despite internal agency data indicating otherwise.
RIAR Foundation has posted below, a one-minute propaganda video of Marks and the CDC advising pregnant women to take the mRNA injections and guaranteeing their safety, to illustrate the point made by Bigtree.
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