Bilderberg controls NATO.


by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:


13 March 2025, original version 12 June 2017, Eric Zuesse [NOTE: for any link that includes the word “archive” twice: use ONLY the LAST — usually second — one.]

This is about how the U.S. empire operates — not only the U.S. Government, but also its colonies. The article is around 14,000 words, or 56 typical book-pages.

For many years, I have been reading — but not yet citing as documentation for my own articles regarding U.S. international policies — the voltairenet news-site, which interprets events from a pro-Syrian-government, and pro-Russian-government, perspective.


The reason that I have not been linking to it is that it often ranges far afield from topics on which I am knowledgeable. However, I now feel sufficiently comfortable with its honesty and integrity, at least regarding the role that the periodic Bilderberg international meetings play in determining the international policies of the U.S. government (and of the governments that are allied with it), so as to post here, courtesy of voltairenet, a number of their important articles on and related to that topic (Bilderberg control). Concerning all matters about which I have high confidence as to what the truth is, I can see nothing that is false in any of these articles. [I have, however, added, in brackets, my own additions and updates to some of the allegations.] A good example is the important but little-known role that Jeffrey Feltman is alleged, in these articles, to play in shaping U.S. international policies. I know that it’s true. Here is why:

There is a well-known leaked telephone conversation, which was posted to youtube on 4 February 2014 in which Victoria Nuland, the Obama State Department official who ran U.S. policy regarding Ukraine, instructed the U.S. Ambassador in Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, that “Yats” or Arseniy Yatsenyuk, was to be the person whom the U.S. Ambassador must place in charge of running the Ukrainian government when the coup would be completed (which happened 18 days later [I correct that to 24 days later, because the phone-call was actually on 27 January 2014, not on 4 February 2014], and Yatsenyuk did indeed win that appointment). (And here’s a video placing that phone-conversation into its appropriate broader historical perspective.) Few observers noted her reference there, in that conversation, to Jeffrey Feltman. But she said in the passage that became famous for her saying “F—k the EU”, this reference to Feltman:

“V.N.: I can’t remember if I told you this or if I only told Washington this: when I talked to Jeff Feltman this morning he had a new name for the UN guy – Robert Serry. I wrote you about it this morning.

G.P.: Yeah, I saw that.

V.N.: Ok. He’s gotten now both Serry and Ban ki-Moon to agree that Serry will come on Monday or Tuesday. That would be great I think to help glue this thing and to have the UN help glue it and, if you like, fuck the EU.”

Regarding the broader context in terms of which to understand that reference by her to Feltman specifically, I shall here be including a number of Meyssan’s artcles, including about not only Bilderberg and NATO and Ukraine, but also other issues, concerning countries that all NATO countries often deal with, such as in the Middle East: specifically Israel, Syria, and Lebanon. This will provide a good picture of NATO — the U.S. Government’s main military organization of its empire — behind the scenes:

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