Big Money Behind Tesla Takedown


from Moonbattery:

The attacks on Tesla dealerships go beyond tantrums by cross-dressing nutjobs who just miss induction into the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors (see herehere, and here). They are part of a domestic terror campaign intended to intimidate anyone who would expose what the leftists infesting Big Government have been doing with our money. The best-known major funder of the Democratic Party has allegedly provided financial backing.


Robby Starbuck reports that an organization calling itself Indivisible will be targeting Tesla stores:

George Soros foundation has given Indivisible nearly $8 million dollars for their “activism”.

They’re calling these “Tesla takedown” events and they’re doing it in the midst of a domestic terror spree targeting Tesla and Tesla owners. They have these planned across the entire country.

These spectacles will not only inspire further acts of terrorism but help the media spin them as “mostly peaceful.”

There’s reportedly even a form protest leaders can fill out to receive “reimbursement” payments for their protests.

Not all the hostility consists of paid astroturfing. Just recently, progressives were willing to spend extra to virtue signal by driving Teslas so as to save the planet from climate fluctuation. No longer concerned about this supposed existential threat, moonbats like Sheryl Crow and Elvira now virtue signal by donating their Teslas to NPR.

When Elon Musk began exposing federal waste and fraud through DOGE, the reverence tolerant liberals until recently expressed for Teslas was abruptly replaced by this:

They never gave a hoot about CO2 emissions. With moonbats, the issue is never the issue; the issue is always moonbattery.

High-profile opponents of moonbattery like Musk must be made an example of. Anyone associated with him even to the extent of owning a car made by his company is fair game.

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