A New Vent Has Opened At The Yellowstone Supervolcano, And The Campi Flegrei Supervolcano Could Erupt “At Any Moment”


by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Are two of the most dangerous volcanoes in the entire world starting to wake up?  We live at a time when seismic activity is on the rise all over the planet.  More than three dozen volcanoes have recently erupted, and there have been more than 850 earthquakes in California and Nevada within the past seven days. Unfortunately, most people are not taking the threat that we are facing seriously.

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For example, an eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano could instantly turn all over our lives upside down and make most of the country uninhabitable for an extended period of time.

The ground in some areas of Yellowstone has been rising for quite some time, and now a brand new hydrothermal vent has opened “at the base of an ancient lava flow”

“While driving south from Mammoth Hot Springs towards Norris Geyser Basin early on Aug. 5 last summer, a park scientist noticed a billowing steam column through the trees and across a marshy expanse,” wrote Yellowstone National Park geologists Jefferson Hungerford and Kiernan Folz-Donahue. “The eagle-eyed scientist notified the park geology team to verify if this was indeed new activity.”

It was.

The steaming hydrothermal vent is located at the base of an ancient lava flow, and geologists measured its temperatures at 171 degrees Fahrenheit. It could be newly spawned activity from a steaming feature previously found nearby in 2003.

Thankfully, seismologists do not expect Yellowstone to erupt right now.

But when it comes to “the most dangerous supervolcano in Europe”, it is a much different story.

According to the Daily Galaxy, there has been “a surge in seismic activity” at the Campi Flegrei supervolcano during the past year…

In the shadow of Mount Vesuvius, a much larger and potentially catastrophic threat looms beneath the ground—Campi Flegrei, the most dangerous supervolcano in Europe. Over the past year, a surge in seismic activity has sent shockwaves—literally and figuratively—through the region, fueling fears of an impending eruption. With over two million people living in the potential blast zone, the question is no longer if this sleeping giant will wake up, but when.

The Campi Flegrei supervolcano covers an area of 77 square miles, and one expert is publicly warning that it could potentially “erupt at any moment”

An Italian expert warns of a possible supervolcano eruption in Naples. Are we prepared for such a disaster?

The Naples region in Italy regularly experiences earthquakes. Beneath the surface of the land and sea lies a massive supervolcano covering an area of 77 square miles. Giuseppe Mastrolorenzo, a volcanologist from the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), warns that the volcano could erupt at any moment, without warning.

Why isn’t this getting more attention?

Mastrolorenzo says that a full-blown eruption of the supervolcano could possibly release ten times as much energy as the eruption that destroyed Pompeii in 79 AD…

He added that recent earthquakes, including a 4.4 magnitude one last week, might be harbingers of an eruption. The evacuation plan involves moving half a million people within 72 hours, which Mastrolorenzo considers a “very optimistic hypothesis.”

If an eruption were to occur, the disaster for the region would be enormous. The energy released during the eruption could be ten times greater than what destroyed Pompeii in 79 A.D. The volcano has been emitting more and more carbon dioxide for years, recently 5,500 tons per day. The emission of hydrogen sulfide, among others, in the Solfatara crater, has increased fivefold. “The supereruption is long overdue,” concluded Mastrolorenzo.

You may not care much about this since the Campi Flegrei supervolcano is on the other side of the planet.

But you should, because a full-blown eruption could potentially trigger a “volcanic winter” which could cause a horrifying global famine…

The potential consequences of a Campi Flegrei eruption are terrifying. In a best-case scenario, toxic ash and gas could devastate local agriculture and force mass evacuations. But in a worst-case scenario? The eruption could trigger a global climate catastrophe, plunging the planet into a volcanic winter with disastrous consequences for food production and ecosystems worldwide.

Meanwhile, lots of other once dormant volcanoes are already erupting all over the globe.

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