LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND: We Have Had An Entire Month Of Explosions, Air Plane Crashes And Mass Casualty Events In 2025, Is America Under Attack?


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

A plane crashed in Philadelphia on Friday, officials said, with a fiery explosion resembling a tactical missile observed upon impact. Have the ‘Leave The World Behind’ protocols been activated?

The question that all America needs to be asking tonight, in light of events that have taken place nearly every single day since the start of this month, is are we under attack? Because if we’re not, then the most amazing series of coincidences is taking place before our eyes. I submit to you, dear reader, that what is unfolding is the activation of the ‘Leave The World Behind’ protocols written by Barack Obama and placed in his America-at-war civil war Netflix movie of the same name.

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On our Podcast today, we gave you just under 2 hours of information with audio and video outlining what I am telling you yet again in this article. That broadcast ended not 4 hours before the horrific explosion we are now talking about in Philadelphia began. Today is Day 1,782 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, and the timeline needle is wrapped around itself and pressed to the breaking point. The month started with cars exploding, then switched to planes exploding, the next logical step is ballistic missiles and tactical nukes raining fire down on us. One thing is for sure, whoever is behind the drones is also the same group behind all the rest of it. The war has come to our streets, Christian, and it sure looks like Phase 3 of ‘Leave The World Behind’ protocols are being acted out in real-time on the nightly news.

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