Enslaved women on ‘human egg farm’, treated like cattle, force-fed hormones


by Doug Mainwaring, LifeSite News:

A horrifying story of human trafficking has emerged from formerly Soviet Georgia where at least hundred women are reported to have been kept against their will as slaves treated no better than as animals at a human egg farm.   

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The operation, which exists solely for the purpose of human egg harvesting, is reportedly run by Chinese gangsters who lured women to the eastern European country with the promise of lucrative salaries for serving as IVF surrogates. Instead, the women were held against their wills, pumped full of hormones to stimulate their ovaries, and anaesthetized once a month in order to facilitate the removal of their eggs. 

They soon realized that they had been lied to. There were no loving couples seeking to have children via surrogacy; rather, their eggs were to be harvested by the illegal trafficking ring and sold on the black market.   

The story came to light after three women from Thailand were rescued following the payment of what amounted to a ransom.   

 “The effort to free them was prompted by Pavena Hongsakula, founder of the Pavena Foundation for Children and Women,” reported the Bangkok Post. “Ms. Pavena said she learned about it from another woman victim who had been released and returned to Thailand in September only after paying the gang about 70,000 baht,” about $2,000 US.  

The victim told Ms Pavena that she and ten others had travelled to Georgia in August and were held in four large houses.  

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