Cryptocurrency: The Spike Harvesting Program


by Greg Glaser, The Tenpenny Report:

Quite obviously, crypto is a spike harvesting program, meaning price spikes (up and down) are designed to manipulate you (through excitement and fear) and thereby harvest your assets.

Covid vaccination was also a spike harvesting program, meaning the spike proteins caused fear, and the spike vaccine needles were produced by Big Pharma to excite and harvest “the market” (pro tip: you are the market). And in the end, those who were harvested (meaning those who took the vax) lost more than they ever bargained for. More than they knew.


Learn that those who can identify spikes and manage them (i.e. Pfizer, Coinbase) make the most profit financially. They are predators of the worst kind perhaps because they claim to enliven you.

The idea of the spike is pervasive on earth, and teaches you to discern what crypto really is.

The Ultimate Human Spike

The human heart produces the ultimate spike. When you are excited your electrical signals spike. And who is right there to harvest the experience with you? Your loved ones ideally, but it depends on how you live your life. Who do you surround yourself with when your heart spikes? Ideally, the heart should be teaching us about who we are: free, independent, loving, anything. And I know, sometimes love hurts because the spike is harvested by our feelings associated with pain and loss. But the real loss would be not to experience your heart’s destiny to know thyself.

The Ultimate Cosmic Spike is Sound

The sword that executes law and justice is a spike. The pen is also a spike, mightier than the sword they say.

The tower is a spike, from the ivory to the babel. But what spike is the mightiest?

Sound is likely the most powerful force in the universe (from God speaking creation, that ripples today in the sound of music, of laughter, of words upon which civilization depends).  Yes, sound spikes!




















The bigger they spike, the harder they fall. And oh what a fall. Some of our best music on Earth is a combination of words and tunes that contrast the spike of elation to the trough of despair.

The Next Bull Market

If you grab the horn, it comes with the bull. Crypto people tell you spiky bull markets are good. What they don’t want to tell you is you’ll pay dearly for gorging.

Labor and earth are the saving graces of the market. For when systems err and break (as they must), highly skilled labor and clean earth present the abundance to ascend from any trough of trouble. Skilled people on a clean earth repair the market to climb higher than the last spike, for the correction proves the balance. We have to learn to listen to nature, to listen to ourselves so we gain harmony rather than spikes for their own sake.

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