With temps in the 60’s, what they’re calling a “wildfire” was the planned annihilation of Pacific Palisades, to make LA a “smart city” in time for the Olympics


by Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground:

These “natural” disasters in LA and Paradise, CA, Maui and North Carolina (among other places), are all part of the “Great Reset, to make us all slaves of AI in a high-tech neo-feudal hell

What’s with all these recent “natural” disasters, nationwide and all around the world, attributed by “our free press” and “our” government to “climate change”—a thesis based on no scientific basis whatsoever, but on many years of winning propaganda to get all of us to clamor for the transformation of our world into a “green” dystopia? The panic over “climate change” is as well-founded as the panic over “COVID,” and the deadly cult of “vaccination”; yet few appear to question it (so far).

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With all these idyllic places, and the lives of all who live in them, so suddenly, and (it seems) inexplicably, wiped out, we’d better wake up fast, which means no longer swallowing the Big Lie that such weird catastrophes are “natural” in any way. Let’s start with a close look at the inferno in Pacific Palisades. Here are two pieces well worth studying, and a before-and-after pair of photos of a once-handsome property.

From Herding Humanity:

From Ginger Breggin:

Read More @ markcrispinmiller.substack.com