by Jeffrey Prather, Jeffrey Prather:

Same Sheeple Nazi Holocaust-ed, Will Burn Again…

“At that time when the great number of Jews were exterminated in gas chambers, an order was issued that the children were to be thrown into the crematory ovens or the crematory ditches without previous asphyxiation with gas.“

“ Counsellor Smirnov : How should we understand that ? Were they thrown into the ovens alive or were they killed by other means before they were burned ? “

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

“ Shmaglevskaya: The children were thrown in alive. Their cries could be heard all over the camp.”

„ The haunting testimony of how the children cried from inside blazing ovens was given by Severina Shmaglevskaya, a Polish woman who had managed to survive the Auschwitz concentration camp from the day she was put there (Oct. 7, 1942) until its liberation in January 1945. “ (…)


Ever wonder why Jews, homosexuals and gypsies did not exfil Germany when they could, but remained passive and obedient, to be rounded up, lined up, and mass murdered ?

Same reason why Californians are still there.

Their psyop-ed and silo-ed cognitive dissonance, via decades of deep state programing, ignorance of scripture, history, and misunderstanding of humankind’s fallen nature, simply refuse to allow them to see the democide in plain site.

Buying the Disney black magic that people are basically good, not fallen, working on their glutes, spray tans and white teeth, they simply cannot fathom what evil men are capable of.

This too is a holocaust.

True the dead by fire are fewer. But not when you factor in death by bioweapon, ANTIFA, illegals, government imported terrorists, and of G false flags.

Ask the tribes. They cannot forget what non-Indians cannot remember.

As one elder once said, “First they massacred us. Then they forgot they massacred us.”

It is the same. Depopulation for repopulation. That is exactly why Newsom declined New York fire fighters, demonstrably the most heroic in the world since 9-11, but welcomed Mexican firemen.

Read More @ Jeffrey.Prather.substack.com