WEF Elites Unveil Plan To Use Carbon Controls As A Trojan Horse For Global DEI


by Brandon Smith, Alt Market:

The underlying strength of economics is that (when approached honestly and with respect to the data) it can give us a relatively accurate measure of progress versus cost. If the rewards outweigh the costs after careful calculation then that economic endeavor will bear fruit. The ability to gauge production, innovation and prosperity with an unbiased eye is essential to true economics.

The problem is that economics is not only a mathematical science, it is also, for lack of a better term, a social science. One has to understand individual psychology and mass psychology. You have to be knowledgeable in the inconsistencies of human emotion and desire as much as you are knowledgeable in the hard realities of supply and demand. Furthermore, not all people that engage in economic study do so for the benefit of humanity.

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There is a contingent of financial elitists that seek to use their understanding of the psychological side of economics to socially engineer political outcomes. We’ve heard it said that nuclear science or genetic science offer a power so terrible that they could wipe out civilization if exploited by the wrong hands. I would argue that economic science in the wrong hands outdoes every other competitor because it can be used to enslave humanity forever.

Case in point: What happens when economics is combined with far-left activism and scientific cultism based on fabricated claims? What happens when a group of ultra-wealthy Fabian socialists combine their resources to strangle the free market and manipulate economic outcomes? What do you get when a vast network of international corporations abandon competition and profit for a long term agenda of power and control?

Well, you get insidious programs like ESG and groups like the Council For Inclusive Capitalism. You get direct cooperation between governments and corporations to force a specific way of thinking and living. They present it as philanthropy when it is really a complex form of tyranny.

These specific efforts have failed, but not without much struggle on the part of liberty voices and the alternative media. ESG is mostly dead and as far as I can tell the Council for Inclusive Capitalism has been abandoned. However, the people behind these programs remain in the same positions of influence.

In terms of the diversity, equity and inclusions subset, the woke model is in popular media is breaking down. You’re going to see less and less progressive pundits and content creators trying to mold public opinion using “social justice” over the next few years. They know their time is over.  But, the other half of ESG, the climate change agenda, is still well underway.

The World Economic Forum, the premier globalist think tank, has released more information this past month showcasing their plans to make carbon taxation about “justice, fairness and DEI”. When they talk about “equity in climate change” what they are referring to is a developing project designed to redistribute wealth away from first-world western nations into the coffers of third-world countries.

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